Europe will defintley become USA 2.0

I just wonder what language will they speak? It seems like it is going to be either english or german. With french and spanish having a shot at being the language of the country. What do you think?

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Russian, how about that

and perhaps those who disagree will be sent to labour camps?

Why do you need a single common language?
Switzerland hasn't one, Canada hasn't one


Almost everyone in Canada speaks English. Switzerland is admittedly a strange case due to the blending of ethnicities but every culture has a dominant tongue and it seems like many languages are slowly dying out in favor of alternatives.

Nah USA has a more unified connected culture even though we're all mutts and foreigners. I'll say Europe would be more like India with it's regional languages and ethnic groups.

Turning europe into the EU is just to simplify making it the 51st state. That's why britain is leaving because they are an ally not a state

construct a language by taking statistical averages of all european language (not european as in the european branch of the indo-european family but as in geographically european) features. call it "europese"

I don't want it fuck them

>Europe will become like India
poo in the loo Peter

The Pan-European superstate will not blend into one soup like London lmao. It will still be divided into countries and its languages will thrive. English will thrive as lingua franca to foreigners only, and Euro-English that already exists will only start to develop even more, but without native speakers. Perfect situation. Glory to the Union

And that person is going to get taxed by which country or service?

What do you mean by this?

I wonder if the EU can ever fuck off

>"Turning europe into the EU is just to simplify making it the 51st state. That's why britain is leaving because they are an ally not a state"

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fight mcdonalds faggot

There is even a short wikipedia article about it. English is really FUCKED UP as a European language and there is accord between many vastly different European languages in some structures alien to English. Double negation for instance. Most languages use it. Why English doesn't? Fuck if I know.

esperanto is 98% spanish

You cant hide from the inevitable truth friend

>"A bunch of countries turning into a federation with larger economy, bigger population and it's own army will just be the USA's servant, while the small and irrelevant UK will be an equal ally to the USA"

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You can't stop getting trolled. Love it.

We'll speak Latin
>Good grammatical structure makes it easy to understand
>Has vocabulary that we're familiar with
>Makes texts all the way from the Roman era till the Victorian era available in their original version
>Nobody will feel their culture overtaken by another, as everyone shares Latin as their heritage.

>The grammatical structure can be a bit hard to learn for some. But this argument is countered by the number of years Europeans use on learning languages in school. If a child learns Latin across their whole primary school period, then they'll learn Latin while getting Latin influence internationally, then they'll learn Latin.
>Some languages may find the Latin vocabulary very different from their own language. But then again, this has never stopped anyone in learning English.

To trigger mainlanders tobeeflad

no the murkan has a point
EU foreign policy so far has been basically "please don't" and "well alright"
that's why when they bomb Iraquis, you get arabs, when they bomb Libua, you get black people, and when they invade afghanistan to kill a single old man, you send your best Finnish troops to help

how is this not 51st state kind of stuff? If you had a single body that would make you fall in line so Frech fags can't oppose TTIP, or German pretesters can't stop german troop deployments abroad, or Bulgarians can't buy Russian gas when US doesn't want it, it would make the whole thing even more streamlined.

Swede on vacation in Japan


ivan is woke af

So i'm supposed to talk Latin while talking to you? Will websites also be in Latin in your world?

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Come home Med man

And Russian foreign policy so far has been "Fuck the USA, we are a world power"
Now, I wonder, is the life of an average Russian citizen better than that of an average EU citizen

English already is a mixed latin-germanic language and it has been massively simplified.
I don’t see any reason to go back to a dead language.

Don't we have already an European passport from Schengen?

Why are news always so retarded? What do they try to gain by reporting so fucking misinformed and retarded headlines that it hurts.

I don't think so. Nordic countries have very low support for this federalization so they will have to do it without us.

In a future European superstate, this is the solution I find the best.
Websites and other media don't HAVE to be in Latin, but I find Latin to be the ideal international langue. So for example in the world, I've proposed, Latin would on Jow Forums and what ever other shit.

In a european superstate where everyone speaks Latin, I think people will very natrually lean on Latin when communicating.

why so mean
just pointing out the obvious

In Russia or in Europe, following orders and falling in line gets you better life, it seems. So go ahead and form that 51st state. as long as you make no fuss when your troos go to kill America's enemies, your life would be at least better than that of an average Russian

It will be french or german.
Most people dont speak english in european countries and england isnt even in the EU, or wont be.

1. retarded orthography
2. difficult grammar

>It will be french or german.
Most people already learn one of those languages at school. And most faggots in Europe speak one of them.

Youre going to have to deal with it.

Is that an argument against what I said?

>It will be french or german.
then it will be french for sure i can already tell you that now Fritz

>parlez vous anglais?
Problem solved.

It also makes more sense, because way more people outside the EU speak french. And being a romance language makes it easier for most other large countries in the EU to learn.

[spoiler]I don't want to see people mutilate our language like they do with english. German is a language meant to be used by those who love it, not some utalitarian business slang.[/spoiler]

I’ve learned french for years and when I speak, it sounds like I’m violating the language. French is not a language for men.

yeah but and also people in generak prefer romance languages over germanic ones. Still think Latin would be the best choice as the Norweigan said

The issues with English is that:
>It has no standard pronunciation for words. Kids use a great amount of time simply learning how to pronounce the words.
>It has little grammatical structure. This means it is a bit difficult to know how from a sentence. Meanwhile, in Latin, everything is already set in stone. This means when a person makes a sentence, he'll know exactly what it should look like.
>The extensive grammar in Latin doesn't matter in learning it as an international language, because children already use so many years in primary school on learning languages.
>Latin makes works from the past understandable in their original version. You could, of course, read a translation, but why not just learn Latin instead when it gives you direct access?
>It would be good for making works in the modern world because Latin is very precise. So a person with basic Latin understanding can always know which parts of the sentence has which roles.

i tried to learn french for 3 years and i can only present myself and count to 20 :(

>It makes no culture superior over another. No nation has a loss in fields when speaking in Latin, because everyone in the western world has heritage from it

German is simpler and offers the same benefits. I’d argue that it is even more precise than latin.

No it doesnt, only africans speak it and we are better off with not being able to communicate with them.
With that argument you might aswell go with english but an EU language isnt supposed to cater to outsiders.
German has more speakers in the EU than french and many people learn it in hopes of finding a job.
the german speaking area in the EU is the biggest economy and you wont get anywhere with just english.

The simple problem is that the EU does not and should not have the level of authoritarian control it would require to force people to learn en-mass a dead language that has no real use outside of this.

English is already widely used, its not gonna get replaced by something people could only use for a subset of what they already use english for. Any language to replace english would need a extensive cultural sector that makes using and learning the language actually rewarding to the average person.

>Latin is very precise
>It has little grammatical structure.
what the fuck are you on about

also how can you at the same time claim that kids spending a great amount on time learning pronunciation is bad but that learning latin grammar is somehow justifies because kids already use so many years in primary school learning languages?

please get out of here with your birdbrain understanding of linguistics

Ik weiger Duits te leren.

>No it doesnt

You're a imbecile if you think that. French is WAY more common as a foreign language pretty much everywhere in the world than German.
Leaving aside al those countries that have it as a first language, which communicting with is still valuable for commerce.

>German has more speakers in the EU than french
Completly irrelevant. The difference isn't even that big and doesn't make up for the downsides.

>either english or german
why would 500 million people learn german when most of them already speak English?

No relevant people speak french though, he’s right about that.

>No it doesnt, only africans speak it and we are better off with not being able to communicate with them.
well spoken grugg, well spoken

No they dont and Latin is shit.
I learned it for 5 years and in that time you dont learn to speak it, just to translate it.
Latin is incredibly hard which is why 99% of romans spoke a vulgar form of latin gravely different from the written one.

English is the largest language in the EU and is pretty easy to learn for second language speakers because it doesn't have genders or cases and there is a lot of anglophone media

Damit Ordnung einkehrt.

>yeah but and also people in generak prefer romance languages over germanic ones
then why the fuck are there still germanic language speakers

You already speak german.
It’s closer to medieval times german, but it’s german.

Euro ebonics. I can verify it's already a thing, I often have to switch to deliberately more continental pronunciation (rolling r's and such) and grammar styles as well as mixing in german/slavic vocabulary when talking to other Euros because it's easier that way. No need to try to imitate anglo speech when no anglos are around.

97 million german speakers
66 million french speakers
65 million italian speakers

There is no valuable commerce in Africa, you go there and take it.
If that is your reasoning then we can just pick english.
We are the most valuable trading partner, they will learn OUR language.

Romanes eunt domus.

thanks mabungo

France is still the second most important country in the EU (at least until the Italians finally get off their asses). And its the second most spoken language in the EU.

And more importantly, you're not gonna have millions of boomers in europe go on the streets when the goverment forces them to learn french.

Nice trying to ignoring that way more people everywhere in the world learn french as second or third language, but it won't go away just because it makes you butthurt.

>There is no valuable commerce in Africa

Spoken like a true retard who wants this country to decline and die like the brits because he can't get over retarded ideological talking points and see economic reality.

Austriae est imperare orbi universo

There are many more people speaking german, you just added the native speakers. I know a ton of slavs, italians and americans that speak german.

Ik versta geen Duits en spreek geen Duits.

French is the language of the european union

i ment if the people had to choose between a germanic and a romance language they would choose the romance one solely because it sounds more pleasing, nothing wrong with that. However if i was the dictator of europe i would choose German because its much easier and it doesnt make you sound like a faggot

We're just gonna pick English, fritz. We already have. Open your angus to the warmth of Euro pidgin English.

Economic reality?
You can actually calculate the economic value of a person.
Bad news, Africans are worth less than an unemployed European makes p. a.

Don't worry, we won't blame you for your limited capacity to understand your own language. We understand your dialect just fine.

Nice try to ingore that I already told you 2 times that it doesnt matter what the rest of the world speaks but what europeans in europe speak.
By your logic we would be talking chinese.
If you disagree youre butthurt and will miss out on commerce btw


The European superstate will overtake the US and China, as a result a majority of websites will be in Latin only.

Who gives a shit about africans?
Trade with those countries is extremly valuable because its markets of hundreds of millions of people for our productst, not to mention the extraction of valuable resources.

We let ourselves get cucked out of tapping into that properly in SEA and Central Asia, I don't want us to fall behind in africa too.

I too think German would be very good as an international language. But I still believe Latin would be a better option as it:
>Gives access to historical works
>Would make no culture superior of another.

Germany is already held by some, as a country with some kind of secret plan to dominate Europe. Now imagine telling those same people that Germany will be the main language for communication in an EU superstate.

In an alternative world where an EU superstate exists, people have already agreed to lay themselves somewhat under the authority of the EU.

In a world where Latin is the international language, it wouldn't just work as another dead langue for autists to learn but would be worth learning, simply because it would be the international language.

English is already widely used when working with works of the past, but Latin would make that work even easier. A person would be able to fully partake in discussions in their fields without having to learn Latin in their adult life, or in college.

>please get out of here with your birdbrain understanding of linguistics
Not an argument

I meant that English has little grammatical structure, sorry.
Latin sure has extensive structure, but one can still fully be able to learn it. It's not THAT hard. In a world where Latin is the langua franca in an EU superstate, kids would also be heavily influenced by it.

>also how can you at the same time claim that kids spending a great amount on time learning pronunciation is bad but that learning latin grammar is somehow justifies because kids already use so many years in primary school learning languages?
The issue with English pronunciation is that it's not visible at first sight. Kids have to learn the pronunciation by listening to the words individually, languages such as German Latin, for example, doesn't have the same issue.

Lmao it’s going to be English ESPECIALLY if we end up staying
Everyone in Europe speaks English

>but what europeans in europe speak.
Okay, whats they speak is english.
So your entire argument is pointless to begin with.

If we replace it with something it has to be something that gives us the greatest benefit, and thats french.

Mooi! Dan hoef ik niets meer te doen. Laat die Duitse superstaat maar komen. Nee wacht...

Yea but this includes people from south tirol for example.
Theres a difference between speaking german/french and
I know tho that German is very popular in the balkans and russia among people who want to work here so that number is definitely going to rise.


>Youre going to have to deal with it.
Only one's who'll have to suck it up will be you and the frogs.

>Everyone in Europe speaks English
That's not true at all. My brother doesn't speak it. My mother knows only very basics English. I never speak English irl.

>Laat die Duitse superstaat maar komen.

Took you long enough to accept it.

>Nee wacht...
Shhh, no worries. Onloy Großdeutschland now.

>french will start to die out in your lifetime

>>Everyone in Europe speaks English
lots of euros on Jow Forums seem to know english

Actually northern german still makes one sound like a faggot. They have a very soft and high pitched way to pronounce things.

I’ve travelled extensively around Europe and never struggled to find English speakers. Face it it’s definitely the most widely known language on the continent, certainly more than French or G*rman

What an ABSOLUTE brainlet.
>if we want to exploit africa our entire continent has to speak the language that they PARTLY speak we have to do it like the chinks!
Oh look, the africans learn chinese!

please no

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Isnt that also the case for Poland, Czech republic, Hungary etc? I mean alot of eastern euros learns German in order to make it in Germany?

the more north you go, the more gay the people gets desu

don't worry it will never happened

England wont be part of europe by the time this becomes relevant anymore.

>Good grammatical structure makes it easy to understand
>Has vocabulary that we're familiar with
>Makes texts all the way from the Roman era till the Victorian era available in their original version
>Nobody will feel their culture overtaken by another, as everyone shares Latin as their heritage.

To add to that list
>Since Latin has no native speakers, Latin gives no economical advantage to any country. English countries benefit greatly economically by their language being the langua franca. If French were the international language, they would gain the unfair advantage, the same goes for any other living language.

>I meant that English has little grammatical structure, sorry.
yeah now what the FUCK does that mean you absolute brainlet? You're just saying empty words.

>The issue with English pronunciation is that it's not visible at first sight. Kids have to learn the pronunciation by listening to the words individually, languages such as German Latin, for example, doesn't have the same issue.
Even if that were true, so what? English is still way easier to learn for most europeans than Latin. That being said, German is not 100% phonemic either and latin is a fucking DEAD LANGUAGE. There is no agreed upon pronunciation.

People have that choice but they still choose to speak germanic languages