Holy fucking shit, this is how you end up if you go against Nicolas Chad-uro in Venezuela. Learn it well American PIG

Holy fucking shit, this is how you end up if you go against Nicolas Chad-uro in Venezuela. Learn it well American PIG.



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thanks for traumatizing me

Told you tho

That is sandnigger tier behaviour

What is it with latinos and desecrating corpses?

nah it's just indios going back to their roots. latam is probably more into gory murder than any other place on the planet, even sub saharan africa.

The Amerishart supported coup will fail!

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is he ded?

give Chad-uro a few days

Are they ok?

This is socialism 101: Behead the dissidents.


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Chaduro Bey!!!1!

absolutely based

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wtf is this? , south americans are fucking savages

jesus fucking christ

>communists and indio mutts aren't people
Who woulda thunk

Because right wing dictatorships were known for their benevolence.

based learned from TÜRKs

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I don't see Orban, Netanyahu and Trump beheading any dissidents.

This guy Maduro used to be a bus driver and now he's a fucking millonarie dictator, we all have hope in life bros.

You just can't stop CHADuro!

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There was a video from the turkish coup and some ultra religious guy decapitated a fetöcü after he was pulled out of the tank.

The good guys

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I was talking about Pinochet, not those democratically elected heads of state.

Nice. I hope Venezuela is only a few killed traitors away from regaining independence from the oilgrubbers, the us.

At least he left behind a first world country unlike every commie dictator ever, including Tito