Why western women still don't feel attracted to asian men like Korean men and Japanese men even after all K-pop propaganda?
Why western women still don't feel attracted to asian men like Korean men and Japanese men even after all K-pop...
become MUSLIM
Female species wants to be protected and the more manly/primitive a man is the better they can protect them
Are you muslim? Not religious.
they are if you're looking for adolescent western women.
why are moroccan and czech men on there? what's special about them ?
longer than jap
what is the 7.1" cunt????
Little girls like k-pop, not women looking to marry
Use the extended version. The miserable size of Japan is seen.
OH NO NO NO, yank "men"
your korean girls confirmed the small size of yours
maybe because they are too fat?
Japanese men are more beta than anything.
calm down kim
have some crab burger
why go for asian boys when you could have a MEDITERRANEAN MEN?
It's not that they're not attrictive, they just don't want to get married.
Some do though, it's all about preference
muh dik
My fellow med bvlls ...
very few do
also, no one wants corporate slaves
>very few do
Can't say I agree, but alright
Looks like caveman
How can Yank "men" be so small?
They are 13% black. Blacks have larger.
Euros almost all have larger.
Mexicans have larger.
What is wrong with white americans?
This shit is bullshit. Nobody likes sopa de macaco "men"
They're fat so their dicks are disappearing.
When you are an incel no nationality can help it.
Only teenage girls and some gays like pretty twinks.
it's called having testosterone Kim
>Use the extended version.
That's what she said.