تذكير ان القضيب الأسود اكثر لذة من الأبيض
تذكير ان لا شيء يضاهي طعم مني رجل اسود رياضي
تذكير انه سيتم اجبارك على الصوم كالقحبة بعد يومين
أنا راح اكل لحم قبال المسلمين كل يوم بالرمضان
شو حتابعوا مسلسلات برمضان؟
رح شوف بقعة ضوء فقط مبدئيا
رح أتابع دراستي
Macaco da areia
مقاعد أبدياً
>مسلسلات برمضان
المسلسلات المصرية كلها بضان نيك
لإن مسلسلات محمد رمضان بتاعت البلطجة أو مسلسلات كوميديا خرا
The month of hypocrisy
وانا """"" صايم"""" راح اكون بالجامعة
وبالليل راح اعمل تواصل اجتماعي
لانه عندي أصدقاء ههه
ومش متوحد هههه
والله عندي أصدقاء
I hate sandpeople.
تعال اعترف لبابا
How the fuck can't they chose a fucking date to start the ramadan ?!
If the moon isn't visible to the naked eye because of haze or clouds, lunar calculations are used to predict whether it's in the sky. This year Ramadan is predicted to begin on May 6, and to end June 3 with Eid al-Fitr celebrations
you have never met one in your life rest assured you slavoid-germanoid-italoid mutt
the last good austrian died in 1945.
نعم ؟
Jorg Haider died in 2007 though
Thanks Syria bro. Be safe.
Oh btw. The full moon is the 4, why the beggining is the 6
يأتي يوم يطوى يوم ... يغدو ماض أو خيال
ماذا أريد ماذا أصير ... هذا هو السؤال
whats with islamophobia
are they scared because we steal their women??
For the eye alone, the date is probably May 6. Traditionally, the first sighting of a young moon marks the beginning of Ramadan
>Haider's parents had been early members of the Austrian Nazi Party (DNSAP, the Austrian affiliate of the NSDAP, the German Nazi Party).
fully based
Ok i thnik i got it now, thanks. Jesus nobody in France can explain correctly that's terrifying
from my experience, the iraqis that came to australia are mostly subhumans from the Rafha camps (most of them at least). have you noticed that as well?
yeah our cleaner was one lmao
how big is the community where you are at? i recently found out that the one in my city is sizeable as well. (several thousand maybe).
Somebody post the character matrix from yesterday
god damn it i missed out
Most of the Iraqis I see where I live are Christians. That could just be a bias because I don't really interact much out of my community. The only times I talk to non-Arabs are when I order an angus burger or kfc from a zanji
>1st for /mena/
>death to /mena/
Ramadan.. it scares me
>french girl of north african descent reconsiders her life choices during the production of a semi amateur pornographic movie.png
>That could just be a bias because I don't really interact much out of my community
does that include kildan or just tilkaef ashur.
> The only times I talk to non-Arabs are when I order an angus burger or kfc from a zanji
hahahahahaha fucking based
i rarely ever interact with my kind sadly. besides the occasional friends that my parents have.
besides that I made friends with this fat masri in uni but i rarely see him anyways.
>that filename
pretty sure tel keif are also kaldan. Sterling Heights in Ameica is pretty much Tel Keif 2.0. But here christians are from all backgrounds, I think many of them are from Zakho and Ankawa, you can tell because they are fucking morons just like kurds.
>pretty sure tel keif are also kaldan
i thought tel keif were ashur as well?
whats the state of the christians in US anyways? some guy on Jow Forums that lives there told me that the community is already deracinated and racemixes heaps lmao.
>I think many of them are from Zakho and Ankawa, you can tell because they are fucking morons just like kurds.
aren't those the inbred retards that dont speak arabic? i saw a fuckton of those at the iraqi embassy in sydney.
>aren't those the inbred retards that dont speak arabic? i saw a fuckton of those at the iraqi embassy in sydney.
nah they all speak arabic. and pretty sure the inbreeding is just an iraqi thing though.
>i thought tel keif were ashur as well?
to my knowledge tel keif are chaldean, Tariq Aziz was from Tel Keif. Also, I don't think there's any group called Ashuring. There's Athurin, who are the assyrian orthodox, and many of them are actually descended from immigrants from turkey who escaped the Ottomans, they call themselves assyrian just as a form of larp, even though they have no connection to ancient mesopotamians. Iraqi christians can be just as bed as lebanese or egyptians, coming up with all these fake meme identities just to avoid being called arab even though they are 100% as arab as anyone.
رمضان هو افضل شهر في العام كله
>no work
>delicious food
>nah they all speak arabic.
there are ashur that speak only neo aramaic and are on an anti-arab crusade lmao.
> There's Athurin, who are the assyrian orthodox, and many of them are actually descended from immigrants from turkey who escaped the Ottomans,
right im aware of these
i'm also aware of the kildan being migrants from the nestorian communities of turkey and iran supposedly, thats why they look paler and often have more coloured features (although that could also be because they didnt get cucked by khaleejis)
>Iraqi christians can be just as bed as lebanese or egyptians, coming up with all these fake meme identities just to avoid being called arab even though they are 100% as arab as anyone.
Arab is a meme identity. fuck pan arabism and fuck other arabs lmao. theres a difference between finding a new larp to please whites or genuinely hating other arab untermenschen scum however.
which city aee you from
in iraq?
forgot my name tag, there are two iraqi australians here btw
I think khaleejis are only darker due to generations of breeding with majoos
Only most trashy girls date your kind here.
> ib4 Polish girls in UK go brown
Precisely, we sent our underclass there.
alot of iraqis go to australia for some reason
كرهت حياتي
>I think khaleejis are only darker due to generations of breeding with majoos
nah they fuck pajeets and niggers
what do you do irl? do you have a job or are you studying?
im from baghdad, baghdadi asli. was born there but i've only ever spent 11 months total in iraq lol. i visited in 2004 when i was young.
i even know the neighbourhoods my parents are from lmao.
and you?
>alot of iraqis go to australia for some reason
not as much as america. but yeah we have a sizeable population of maybe ~100,000 here (most are christians but alot of muslims and kurds here as well). i haven't been here long though so.
أنا تولدت في بغداد، عائلتي كلهم من محافظة نينوى
i'm from najaf
i still live in najaf
i'm planning to go to russia when i finish my studies
>محافظة نينوى
my grandmother is from mosul.
عايز أغمض و أفتح عنايى و فجأة العالم كله يتغير
wow najaf, hows life there bro?
>i'm planning to go to russia when i finish my studies
lmao why russia and what are you studying?
شلون الوضعية بنجف؟ تشوف كثير ايرانين؟
100k is alot you know
Because France isn't a Muslim country, and that's why it's great
هيا تتكلم باللهجة مصلاوية أو بغدادية ؟
america has like 400k.
europe in total has maybe 500k as well (alot are kurds though).
>كثير ايرانين؟
of course its najaf what do you expect.
and only betas say katheer (like khaleejis). chads say كوماااااااااااا
good question. probably both lmao. she came to baghdad to study and met my granddad there.
هل تعرفون من هو همتارو .. مخلوق حلو لطيف همتارو
يعيش في بيت لطيف .. يدور في دولاب خفيف
bismillah ir rahman ir rahim
>and only betas say katheer (like khaleejis). chads say كوماااااااااااا
what about هوايا
شلونهم ايرانين؟ يسوون مشاكل؟
المحافظة نضيفة و أعمار ديصير بشكل ملحوظ,على الرغم من الفساد الأداري
because there's less degeneracy
ايرانيين بس يزورون مقام الامام علي, قليل كلش تشوفهم بغير مكان,
المحافظة نضيفة و أعمار ديصير بشكل ملحوظ,على الرغم من الفساد الأداري
because there's less degeneracy in the USSR, i'm still in high school btw, and planning to be a doctor inshallah
ايرانيين بس يزورون مقام الامام علي, قليل كلش تشوفهم بغير مكان,
all my older relatives speak maslawi dialect, the younger ones متبغددون. I think maslawi will be extinct in a few generations.
I am Lebanese
>what about هوايا
thats ok,
>شلونهم ايرانين؟ يسوون مشاكل؟
I mean, they mostly just go for religious reasons but the core of iranian activities and control of iraq is from najaf and karbala lmao. even afghan and pakistani shi'ites make pilgramage there by the thousands every year.
عندك مستوى ذكاء كافي يخليك تتصفح فور تشان بدولة عالم ثالث, افتخر بنفسك مصري انون
plus we all are here for that reason
شفت الفديو لزمو واحد إيراني ديهرب مخدرات؟
كس ام العراق
تقبلوا مروري على هذا المنتدى الكريم
>المحافظة نضيفة و أعمار ديصير بشكل ملحوظ,على الرغم من الفساد الأداري
>because there's less degeneracy in the USSR, i'm still in high school btw, and planning to be a doctor inshallah
I have a bad news for you, my future russian brother.
لا بس سمعت بي
انجب ولي كلنا نعرف الأردن تموت على العراق وصدام
>coping this hard
No one actually marries European women as they are unmarryable because they are whores by nature
c'mon i'll be a productive citizen
>المحافظة نضيفة و أعمار ديصير بشكل ملحوظ,على الرغم من الفساد الأداري
thats all of iraq though, but i mean yeah maybe it'd be worse in the jinub.
>because there's less degeneracy in the USSR, i'm still in high school btw, and planning to be a doctor inshallah
>less degeneracy in the USSR
its not USSR anymore lmao and also Russia is the abortion/heroin country of the world. It's really fucked up and x10 worse than europe lol. My grandfather studied during the USSR times but now russia has gone to complete shit. If you're going to emigrate from iraq atleast go someplace decent.
but to say there is less degeneracy in Russia is wrong lmao. its not a nice place.
> i'm still in high school btw, and planning to be a doctor inshallah
best of luck brother. just work hard.
>all my older relatives speak maslawi dialect, the younger ones متبغددون. I think maslawi will be extinct in a few generations.
its not just maslawi, all the iraqi dialects got fucked up. even baghdadi asli (which is what i speak) is non existant these days and is replaced by a more guttaral and gramatically incorrect version.
Oh I know it. But degeneracy is already here. So better look for Germoney or something.
maybe i'll die in iraq then
dp you hate me for being from najaf though?
It is
i love snow
russia has a shit ton of snow
snow is dope
ماطول أنت عربي و مو فارسي أنا أحبك كا أخويا
It's was snowing yesteday and today and will tomorow. Fuckin snow.
>maybe i'll die in iraq then
not a bad thing to be honest. i hate that i got derooted from there due to everything that happened.
>dp you hate me for being from najaf though
i love all iraqis equally (even kurds) who are nice and good people. i hate khomeinists, salafists and other extremist subhumans who ruin the place. No i'm not like the typical baghdadi who don't like jinubis lmao.
متأكد من الخيار دا؟ إنت عارف إن شهادات الطب الروسية و الأوكرانية مش كويسة و إن سمعتها مش حلوة؟
أعشق أنتمائي
>i love all iraqis equally (even kurds) who are nice and good people.
except zanj niggers. zanj niggers can go fuck themselves back to africa. and turkomen have to go back as well.
fuck you snow is epic
The politically correct term is shroog or m3dani
لعد وين اروح؟
الأردن يا زوومر