Black guy here

why do you hate me pol? before you call me a nigger remember who picked cotton and built your country.

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This ain't Jow Forums [B]uddy
Regardless of your ethinicity
You should be lynched just for being a Jow Forumstard

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I hate you because you are my natural enemy (I'm a chicano)


Also "ending world hunger" is a retarded meme, why would ANYBODY want the population of Africa to explode, aside from that we are already giving you money, which we really shouldn't.

I hate you because your skin is black.

i don't hate christian blacks that don't racemix..

Because you can't accomplish anything on your own, you need to be told what to do. Europeans left Africa after WW2 and you let all of the infrastructure just crumble away back to your mudhut state.

why would I hate you
what cotton
no you didn't

Literally a classic bait post from Jow Forums and you retards STILL fall for it.

>muh "you can solve world hunger with money bro just give them 10$ for a pizza and a coke bro"

Niggers have neither the means nor the intellect to create functioning agriculture the way whites and asians did so yeah go fuck yourself


Because you are the common negro. We however are spawn of Yakub and will take our place as KANGZ of Egypt then the world!

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We will destroy you in the name of Yakub, our holy lord and father!.

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We are Jow Forums you dumb nigger.

My country built on blood of my people and you have nothing to do with it, niggers.

I dont hate you, I just think niggers are lesser than human and so I would rather not associate myself with your kind

I dont hate you but you didnt build shit. the largest extend of the german colonial "empire" was a sausage factory in tanganjika that harldy counts as builing anything.

I think I've got nothing against you guys exactly because you built those euros' countries but mine was generally built by local slaves

Jow Forumscide when

This board is a shithole. Look at these posts here. People just love to hate and eat bait.

What the fuck are you?

In my option, ending world hunger is easy. My explain:
1 African country is annex by different powers
2 install race to make African province better
3 mixed marriages are mandatory
5 winner gets to keep the oversea province, loser has that country independent

What is your stance on this master plan?


Like your bridges you build it collapses on the first step.

I wonder are there any black americans on int?

Based and lynchpilled



Insecurity and when you're literally worthless you have to derive your worth from putting someone else down and when you have nothing, you have to get worth from something inherent to you. Or something like that, maybe it's simple tribalism.

Hire splitting blue and red boards is the best thing he's done.

I dont but you dont belong in my country and should be deported to africa

I like you because you're not here

Ending world hunger would be a global disaster.

What the fuck does it mean "X amount of money to end world hunger"?
Build the infrastructure and hire the staff to feed africanoids for a limited amount of time? Because that would only be temporary.
To end 'world' hunger you'd need the funds to invest in and develop EVERY single country's economy on earth and have it be stable for decades. Not only that, but you'd have to plan ahead so it'll have the prospect to grow even further so it can be viable.
Beside the logistical impossibility of this project, it would not need 30 Billion, but hundreds of trillions of dollars to even come close to this.

Why the mean words. Irish are honorary blacks.

>Build the infrastructure and hire the staff to feed africanoids for a limited amount of time? Because that would only be temporary.

No it wouldn't be temporary because the infrastructure would immensely help food transportation and storage.

If the world eradicated polio and small pox world hunger reduction is not far behind.

Also, your race is the most toxic race in the planet


So now you have millions of people who would've otherwise been dead before adulthood by disease or famine, being alive and procreating. Soon enough you'll need double or triple the initial amount of capital to feed them.
After that, they're obviously no longer content simply by being fed and kept alive by humanitarian aid. You need to educate them, supply more medical care (since they're not dying at the age of 7, but get to live to 60y.o), built more infrastructure and housing, a local political system, law system (since these fuckers are not just sitting in a hut encircled by flies, but actually interact with each other), water supply/power grid etc etc etc.
But wait, you only planned ahead for the funds (30B dollars) to feed a couple of dying infants, their teenage mothers, and anti-malaria medications. But the circumstances have changed rapidly since then.

this and /leftypol/ too

If you give to poor people money / food, you will only destroy their "remaining local economy" (good luck trying to compete with food falling from sky as a farmer), remove their need to improve themselves to survive / learn how to farm / need for going to work for money. Also if you enable their 12 children to survive until adulthood, these children will have next geberation 144 another hungry children, making the problem exponentionally worse.

There is literally nothing worse than giving food to starving people. They need to learn themselves how to grow food. Its the only way. Btw did you know in africa its possible to have crop harvest twice (and with some plants even 4 times) per year? And yet they still dont work.

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Sure, niggers built Kaunas

Shut up racist