You wake up in the danish wilderness. What do?
You wake up in the danish wilderness. What do?
grow some crops because our soil is good for growing crops unlike someone elses.............
get a plane ticket back to my country
I go to my danish brethern and ask where is the nearest river where I proceed to look for land to farm and fish to fish.
>virtually no trees
What the fuck, I literally walk to the nearest city because your country is as big as my county lol
Go to Germany to stock up on cheap alcohol before heading back to Finland
>Climb the nearest hill
>Get a good view
>Walk towards the closest city
>Try not getting killed by Muslims
Go get a couple of beers at the nearest town 3km away.
Walk in any random direction and reach some settlement within 10 minutes
Speak their «I recently had a stroke» language and eat rotten fish
road trips sound so fucking comfy in Europe, you can see wildly different cultures in a 200km trip.
Go home.
Easy now heart stroke speaker, we also have crops land in Norway.
little to none
norway has plenty of rivers and thus land to farm
most of norway is just rocks
if you chop down the trees and till the land you'll have land to farm.
Build a simple roof and walls, then
200 push ups
200 squats
every day to become a true king of the wilderness.
>Danish savage doesn't know about the norwegian steppe land
Take the 10 minute walk to Copenhagen.
>no river in eye sight
that's a yikes from me
steal a truck and run over as many wh*Tes as possible
looks like here but flatter
>danish wilderness
is this some joke
That's tundra, not steppe
I can skin a buck and I can run a trout line, I'm confident I could live off the rugged Danish wilderness for an indefinite amount of time
wtf another washington nigger at this time of day
Walk into any settlement and say with on purpose bad English with Heavy russian accent :"Am lost.No money. Two Beers please."
They don't have trucks in Denmark, only bicycles. So you have to steal one of those
go to sleep
Stfu. We call it what we want in Norway
Walk to Copenhagen, bang a negro whore on Istedgade, and then take the next train home.
nice selfie there tubby
>What do?
Walk home.
t. Flensburg
Dude, first we meet in Christiania.
Plant trees and import stones from other countries.
>walk up to danish person to seek help
>try to understand what he is saying
It's not like you'd run into some kind of civilization in the first hour of your walk in any direction
Walk to the nearest settlement, use public transportation to reach Copenhagen and go home (the Netherlands)
>chopping down
>not burning
do you even
Petition the government to ban racemixing so my granddaughters don't get bleached and I can have them to myself.
Denmark and Ukraine's landscape are very similar, lots of wheat fields and fertile land
Rape and kill my way back to Gothenburg
>danish wilderness
3 trees?
no pillaging?
>wilderness = trees
kill myself
>danish wilderness
Put a whole potato in my mouth and ask a local to borrow a bike