Next to no religious holidays due to reformation

>next to no religious holidays due to reformation
>very few nationalistic holidays
>no WW1 memorial day
>no pagan stuff either
>also no labour day
The Netherlands is suffering.

Attached: public-holidays-europe.jpg (1600x1600, 546K)

>compensated by 28 days of annual leave

Lol what? Thats super low. 27-30 is normal in germany, in addition to official non-working holidays.

>Angloroach works every day of the year

>tfw we get a public holiday for a horse race and a football grand final

Attached: 1493993800144.jpg (402x473, 45K)

Eight bank holidays, and the rest are the 28 days of leave



Attached: Schermata 2019-05-04 alle 13.30.37.png (624x1384, 141K)

shut up wh*toid

Attached: eHeZMZvMdHcdK6JshWYQG4PmPRtCYE4IxerIUY_WEcY.jpg (960x684, 125K)

lazy continentals

Often these look at the bare legal minimum rather than what is normal

if you think we suck wait till you see Capitalist Slaves of America

Unsure of this graph. We have multiple bank holidays which function as a non-working holiday.

Well everything closes before 10pm your working hours are a lot less than the UK. Plus everyone in Nederland starts their weekends on Thursdays and work from home often.

Now post the productivity level of each country.

completely besides the point of this discussion
niggerlanders just need to do longer work weeks

>you're lazy if you don't work on christmas

wagecucks WILL defend this

Yeah liberties regarding work hours are ridiculous over here. 'Working' from home every friday, calling in sick randomly, arriving late and leaving early, all very normal for people with a contract.

I work through a detachment agency, meaning I actually have to work according to agreement, and comparing my working hours to directly contracted co-workers is just ridiculous

Working long and working efficient are two different pairs of shoes

We get three days off over Christmas

I don't get it. They don't count Bank holidays in the UK as "public non-working" holidays?

What is it then?

Because as far as I'm concerned when I worked in London I didn't work during bank holiday and was paid anyway so it's pretty much the same thing

Where did I say anything about efficiency you absolute wh*toid virgin? My point is that if d*tch sissies want more holiday days they should make more hours

jakub marian is full of shit as always then

UK law itself probably doesn't have any nation wide holidays without work, but has them enshrined in collective labour agreements

watch your profanity wh*Toid. How dare you talk to your KARA BOĞA Overlords like this?!

Indeed the work culture there is a bit bizarre. Nevertheless dutchies work very hard when they do work.

I think it's due to knowing that they can just leave when they feel like it people are more prone to do more work in a shorter amount of time. That said this country is full of slackers and I wouldn't hire 70%


that map is missing Augsburg, it has an additional day, making it 14

I personally have 30+13, feels good not being a slave

16 here

macedoniggers need to die

don't worry, in a few years you'll get muslim festivities too

God I hope so

Plus 20 days gelber Schein. Deutschland beste.

Attached: 11Freunde.jpg (850x586, 204K)