Why did we partition Germany like this

Attached: german partition.jpg (800x1022, 223K)

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...and not like this?

Attached: german partition 2.jpg (800x1022, 227K)

Maybe the usual French craving for status

My great-grandfather was on his way ot Berlin but he had a car accident in Cottubus and could not make it any further. Still his kill count was about 8 germanoids.

Attached: 1521107928189.png (2000x2000, 48K)

I'm guessing because
1)North Rhineland is economically connected to the Ruhr region in Westphalia. Düsseldorf is in the Rhineland for example, and it is also part of the same larger industrial area.
2)Those are the regions occupied by the French after November 1944 during their offensive into Germany.
Sigmaringen is also where the Vichy government was evacuated after August 1944.
3)Southern Swabia is also close to the Tyrol and Voralberg in Austria which made up the French occupation zone in Austria until 1955.

Attached: Allied_army_positions_on_10_May_1945.png (1216x769, 517K)

Well, the nation had collapsed, hadn't it? It needed to be sorted by the victorious powers plus France, and there needed to be something of an amicable arrangement that divided responsibility. It's really very simple, the very structure had to be built again if any polity that could return to the brotherhood of nations was to come about.

Because Alsace and Swabia are of the same brachycephalic sw*Ss Khazar stock that had ruled France for centuries

>Americhads got to fuck cute German girls while drinking beer in Munchen

Attached: wojak sunrise.jpg (1001x823, 154K)

you have a funny idea about army life pal

They still do, my army town is full of middle aged German moms that married American soliders, most of my friends are half german/born in germany

You literally do nothing while being stationed 80% of the time.
sounds great

Attached: bavaria.jpg (1038x503, 199K)

fuck Germans

Attached: 1556632376792.jpg (1242x1468, 136K)

>only one "s"
But why

Why did the french got anything at all? They lost to the germs in like 3 hours or so

The SS emblem is forbidden in Germany and numerous other nations.

Looks a bit like Röhm

their pride makes them pushy

Same could be said for your bitch ass in WW1.

Also, pic related

Attached: WW2.jpg (324x704, 230K)

why didn't we divide up a portion for greece :^)

we should have kept it that way

Don't bully Greece!

Attached: 1545504747670.jpg (598x708, 86K)

And what did we get after ww1? No one even talked to us because "hurr ebil commies durr". Did we get our sweet permanent membership at league of nations?

virgin t*Rk cop

Huge Financial compensation from Germany and the violation of your unconditionnal surrender to the Germans from Brest-Litovsk occupying again territories that wasn't yours anymore

Attached: 320px-Map_Treaty_of_Brest-Litovsk-en.jpg (320x498, 45K)


>Compares giving up after a civil war and millions of casualties to giving up in a few weeks
Now this is coping. France did fuck all in WWII, the Brits used your troops that fled to Britain as canon fodder, there's a reason Roosevelt and Stalin didn't let De Gaulle in the Yalta conferrable.
