This is so true lol

this is so true lol

Attached: 1481140327739.jpg (1398x860, 928K)

i agree

Attached: amalievorretmikkelsen.jpg (960x960, 83K)

us british cringing perpetually in disgust ever since laying eyes upon the merimutt

always lmaod my ass off @ the manlets who didn't get to stand in the back

Dutch and Russian should be switched

>implying this is russian

Attached: _159319240.jpg (225x224, 7K)

Scary how accurate this is
Except for the slavs, the guy is too good looking and the girls face is too round

tfw no french gf

The russkie is so tall they had to sit him down or it would fuck the whole pic up

Accurate, Canada actually looks really similar to pretty much half the males in my high school.

The Greek girl is probably Lebanese or Palestinian
But on Jow Forums people equal Levantines and Greeks so who fucking cares

You forgot Portugal fren.

Attached: 052.png (265x258, 174K)

What is the actual backstory of that pic? Which country is that class really from?


Finlamd is wrong


That's right

Attached: CnYB2e4JxN8.jpg (600x594, 59K)

I would say it's from Germany.

You really want a muzzie gf?

Attached: 1556928692009.png (407x718, 147K)

I'm in the Maritimes and that boy is the exact image I conjure whenever I think of a British Columbian.

What's R NMAOP?

don't forget
germany has the same problem with immigrants

The teacher has a distinctive Bosnian look, I'm almost 100% sure she's from Bosnia living in Germany or Switzerland where this picture is probably from.

Never heard there was a stereotype about Polish women being fatass


It's mean he's true ruSSian.


Attached: 1351866059500.jpg (1849x862, 534K)

Look at Russia's shirt

Yeah I was also guessing either german or dutch.

This cute boy is Russian only because of his shirt?

Yeah, most of the phenotypes are german, and the class is full of slavic/southron/negro immigrants which is typical for Germany.


Tы нaфaня ёбaнaя? Tы жe знaeшь, чтo бoльшинcтвo pycaкoв имeннo тaк yёбищнo и выглядят, нy paзвe чтo зyбы y бoльшинcтвa гнилыe.

>get pushed back
>"oh it's better to be in the back, behind other people"
oh someone actually believed it

Tы чтo coвceм eблaн? У нeгo нихyя нe cлaвянcкoe лицo, вoт тянoчкa pядoм гopaздo бoльшe пoхoжa кcтa

Кaждый дeнь в cвoём yникe вижy этoгo типaжa кyнoв, тaк чтo нe пизди мнe тyт.

Who's taking the picture?