Cheapest beer in Sweden costs $0.88 per can of 330 ml and it is only available in the government alcohol shop. Also...

Cheapest beer in Sweden costs $0.88 per can of 330 ml and it is only available in the government alcohol shop. Also, discounts are illegal.

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0,92€ for Lidl cheapest (4,7%) beer here, so 0,88$ is pretty good

Is a good beer?

Mediocre, if I'm being generous.

0.2 euros here for cheapest beer when on sale


cheapest beer is 0.79€, 0.5l 4,2%

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Perlenbacher? You can sometimes get a 0,5l bottle for 0,29€ lol

Nah, red can of some Finnish beer.

The cheapest beer in Norway that's sold in the alcohol stores is Asahi Super Dry at €2,88 per 33cl bottle.

And what about in supermarket?

If you buy a 6-pack you can get Ringnes 4.6% as low as €2.50 for 0.5l.

That's not too bad.

Beer is cheap in Sweden! And with our collapsing currency maybe alcohol tourists will start coming here soon

Also even at 0,92€ per 0,33l can, Lidl is losing money on every can sold
>bottle deposit
>alcohol tax
now you're left with 0,04€ to brew the beer, can it, ship it and sell it

I wasn't including the depost obviously.

Because of minimum alcohol pricing laws, that beer would need to cost a minimum of $1.09 USD in Scotland. Discounts are also illegal here.

At least you can buy it without having to go to a government shop which refuses to keep anything in a cooler and has really, really inconvenient opening hours. For example, they close at 3 PM today.

Still both cheaper and stronger than in f*Nland
pic rel is the amount of alcohol tax per liter of beer in EU countries

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Alcohol is forbidden by the sharia

That's pretty good considering it's Sweden and all that. Lidl brand swill is about 50 cents here for a 0,5l can.

the one thing that's better in finland than in sweden is that we can now buy shockingly strong 5,5% ABV drinks in regular shops

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LOL 5.5%

it'd be so peak to be from your guys' countries like, alcohol is bare expensive here too but you guys' have to go to a gov shop n shit loool thats peak

We'll have that soon enough.

>it'd be so peak

>english """people"""

Our department of health said the consumption of alcohol would see a drastic spike if the ABV limit were to be raised from 4,7% to 5,5% in regular supermarkets
consumption ended up growing 0,6% (zero point six percent), mostly thanks to a hot summer
fuck SDP, fuck THL and fuck f*Nland

>tfw can just buy cheap booze at liquor stores, and some even stay open 24/7 on the weekends

But beer makes you fat so drinking less of it in cubic centimeters should make you less fat
Raising it to 5.5% probably isn't enough though around 6.7% would be perfect

i know where i will retire