Are employers allowed to force you to pee in a cup in a mandatory drug test and then can fire you if you test positive for a plant despite you being a productive worker?
In US yes.
Urine Test
Thank God no. You can probably get high of my pee.
So in Leafland employers can't force you to piss in a cup and then can fire you for whats in it?
No there's no test for most jobs, except maybe crane operator and that kind off stuff.
I work for a Canadian railroad and I think they just test you after an "incident" there. Here we are random and get tested all the time
Yes they are. Their company, their rules. You'll probably go to jail as well if they snitch you to the cops.
Essentially employers own their employees if they are allowed access to their bodies like this. I have no problem getting checked for drugs or alcohol if you break shit or hurt someone but in the US they have random tests even when you don't do anything wrong. Smoke a joint on the weekend then get randomly tested the next week and you get fired even if you are the most productive employee.
I dont know but i dont do drugs to be "cool" so i dont care
Indonesia is a shithole nation anyway. You guys gave 2 Aussies the death penalty for possession.
You can do better than that druggie.
bullshit. manual labor jobs, like in the oil fields will require a drug test
>taking opinions from jungle chinks seriously
It really is crazy, I think Canada consideers it a breach of human rights to collect randomly and also disagrees with the idea that the presence of metabolites in your urine=intoxication
>Yes they are. Their company, their rules
Like I said, work with heavy machinery is probably more regulated. But you'll never get tested as a Walmart cashier like in the US.
How the fuck do cashiers even survive without drugs? I drink every day and I'm an engineer, I can't imagine what kind of drugs I'd do if I was a cashier.
Only cops for what I know
Lol but that mulatto that murdered her rich white mom is Bali and left her body in a suitcase in a random car got 10 years and goes on instagram live and has lesbian orgies and they shortened her sentence
So it's perfectly fine the company owns your body?
>I'm an immature human being unable to take responsibility for his actions so the country should intervene with restrictive laws.
Tattoofags shouldn't be hired either by the way.
>bruh what if like... the companies own our bodies and shit man?
Nobody owns your body you fucking retard. Just because you keep repeating it in your drugged out head doesn't make it a true statement.
Americans love to speak of government tyranny but to even suggest corporate authoritarianism is invading their lives makes you a pariah there. The USA deserves to burn.
They own your body if they control what you can and can't put in it.
Weed is legal in Canada, you can't operate machinery while high just like you can't operate machinery while drunk, but it is not against any rule to test positive for marijuana on a test. The only time I have ever even heard of drug testing in Canada is following an accident of some kind and again, it's only trouble if you were stoned/drunk at the time of the accident.
NL, no.
Maybe with some really high risk jobs, but using drugs is legal, so they can't fire you for using it in your own free time. After accidents it might happen, just to check kf you weren't under the influence.
No one wants druggies at their workplace retard stoner.
Holiday's are also a thing we're allowed to have in the Netherlands
>prescribed drugs aren't drugs
Everyone is a druggy, especially if you are over 50.
Only in America
You mentioned still being a productive worker. If you're over 50 and on serious medication to the point that it impairs your ability to work maybe you should stop working.
At a certain age in the US it is extremely common for the Doctor to just prescribe you a list of meds. So much that pill boxes are a thing.
Yeah, but a lot of those meds won't impair your ability to work. You're probably a stoner who wants to do recreational drugs on the job.
No, I don't want to do drugs on the job, the same way I don't want to drink on the job (I'm not you). I however would like to do what I want on my free time.
The employer has to pay for that at a lot of American companies so there is a reason they would rather just fire the person
What kind?
Edibles, I don' even want to smoke shit.
Alright, and just so you're aware. The employers don't give a shit if you do drugs off the job. The only reason there are drug tests is to make sure you're using drugs irresponsibly and high on the job.
THC can stay in your system for weeks if not months even after you last consumption. They will fire you here if you have it in your system.
Not true. With right to work legislation and vice clauses Americans are having their free time dictated by their employers as well.
Then don't do edibles, simple as. And the long term effects of THC can last for a while too.
So be owned by the company... They can fire you if you post something on twitter like "RANDOM ATHLETE is a punk faggot".
britain,not really unless its some important job where you need to be alert such as driving.
but driving under the influence of weed and other drugs is illegal and the police test.