yes, one of the more diverse nations in europe
yes, one of the more diverse nations in europe
countries like italy are diverse but its regional, england has quite a diverse range within the same place
Some people say bran looks like me. but im uglier
he manages to get uglier every year, he looks slavic now that he has gone all stoic and high looking
British women are lucky.
iwan rheon is welsh
iain glen is scottish
try India
yeh and? iain glen is a lowlander anglo scottish and welsh are just cheeky cunts
india is not in europe
oh wait i din't specify continent, but yes india has very diverse range of skin tones from black to white looking and lots of asian, european, middle eastern and austronesian dna
Bronn looks so different
The 2 most good looking are from Netherland and Danemark
Jorah is best looking
Yes of course Jews are the most diverse because we're only pretending to be am actually ethnicity
whos that? these are all brits
jamie lannister but who is the dutchman?
Carice Van Houten
the other dario wasn't that good looking, jamie may be the best looking but he would meet fierce competition from robb stark, jorah, sean bean will tudor, iwan rheon etc
Van Houten is the hottest girl
And jamie is the chad
But there are so many good looking girls
I think the hottest are Cersei with long hair, vanhouten, The nigress,and sansa stark ( she will.become a nice milf)
Arya stark is britain goblin tier, so is daenerys shit
The greyjoy guy
Jorah is alpha. I think younger womens must love him. He has this daddy aura
i think he is refferering Michiel Huisman who took over dario from ed skrien
he is danish and ugly
arya is supposed
Was talking zbout the Red woman but holy shit is a chad
arya is supposed to be an ugly character but grew on me a little untill her character went to shit
she is a women but very sexy. up there with the best.
hottest got women
emilia>the mutt>melis>sansa>young cercei
Margaery Tyrell is also very good looking
>do people in your country look different to one another
What the fuck is this elementary bio shit doing to you guys
You're way more diverse than just that
Yeah but she look crazy
I guess. Inuit, Hawaiians, Algonquins, SW natives, etc. have similarities but significantly different facial features and builds.
which one? the anglo on the right or the dutchman on the left
The dutch on the left
But the one of the right is still handsome
in what sense
irish are a bit more homogenous than england genetically and phenotypically, but you have significant diversity in skin tones and hair pigmentation
Of couse. You got THE BASQVE BVLL, the Galician qt3.14, the alandalusian sandnigger, the catalonian kike and el canario creatura
are the basques ugly?
nah, they all look the same desu.
only white mexicans look different, so only like 10 percent of the country
Very, especially the women, to me at least
No, they are half alien-half atlantis-half anglo Chads
wow can a cute girl like this turn into that fucking Goblina?
are most brist like this or was she an special sad case?
There's like two or three distinct phenotypes here, using minor differences in pigmentation as a hard dividing line is silly and counterproductive.
All children look cute though.
How is she cute? She looks like the typical Mexican goblin with her nasty bug eyes and pig nose
>he puts nordic ubermench besides anglos
she was cute tho.. dont thing anyone would have expected her to become that ugly.
nigga my country is like 20 countries, just because you come from 3 different mutts that floated over like turds 10 000 years ago mean nothing
>There's like two or three distinct phenotypes here
That would be?
Most are on either some sort of northern cromagnoid or on the nordid-mediterranean spectrum. There's maybe an infantile sort of alpinoid type present, but that could easily also be understood as individualized reductions of the other two, there's certainly traits present in all of the reduced persons that could indicate belong to either of the other groups.
I think the tendency in online anthropology to think that a person must necessarily match 100% or that a new subtype must necessarily be invented to account for random deviations (most often in pigment) is kind of bunk, physical anthropologists were always clear on the fact that each type was to be understood as a spectrum or as a set of tendencies.
>one of the more diverse nations in europe
yes, incredibly diverse.
bran has a turanid phenotype.
Belgians look very similar to the English
bro nord-med is called atlantid
It's arbitrary, the two types already have similar morphology.
hol up, so you sayin nords are just bleached meds?
Nords are NOT sandniggers. Fuck you.
no we don't
Meanwhile, all Bolghars look like the left.