I have you know that from this day on I'm Swedish.
I have you know that from this day on I'm Swedish
Did I get this right?
>his Swedish friend asks him to shoot him
>he does it
>he assumes Mikael's identity
sounds like a pretty genius idea for a movie
>It's a Finnish thread
>He mentions Sweden
Absolutely obsessed
>Implying you were ever not Swedish
We are the same, you and I.
What an absolutely based movie.
These finns are superstars in norway
Swedes eat meat and chicken with blackcurrant jam but we don't
The middle one doesn't look much like a Finn...
>blackcurrant jam
never heard of
true, she looks swedish
How long have you been in Sweden Mahmoud?
They are finns
my name isn't mahmoud and i have been here all my life
say it in swedish and i might know what it is
You need to rethink what being Finnish means. It's the 21st century.
they are sassy and unique
they are beautiful
this is a swedish girl who is also popular in norway
Not him and I've never eaten that either. We make sylt out of lingon, hallon, hjortron, jordgubbar and körsbär. We only use vinbär for saft.
It's not Swedish and it's not a girl. That's that anorexic Norwegian boy.
she is sassy and unique
she is beautiful
She is gorgeous
wtf I have to buy kakacoins to watch this now?
>go to little suomi district in gothenburg
>try to get something to eat
>go inside pekkas house of mämmi
>"aa yes vely good we have special prices for u"
>walk out
Go damn Finns are annoying.
You're welcomed.
Don't they serve that in schools even? At least with turkey there's often served jam as well. Nonetheless many people here eat jams with birds.
Nobody here eats jams or jellies with bird.
Yes we do, have you never eaten wild game?
I bet someone does.