DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2189

DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for anyone interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games.
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Too many questions were asked,, it became uncomfortable
質問したは余りに多く、 違和感の感じで成る
In a way, you say
I asked too many questions

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Are you the fucking chino poster?
Why didn't you put "chino-chan" into your sentences?

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hello japanon, can you write a sentence that includes "too much"?
like, too much food, too much anime, too much


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Are you my English teacher?
I'm not sure whether my English sentences will be correct or not, but okay, I'll make it.

That's too much food for I eating.

Japanese animation studios make too much anime for me.

Do these sentences sound good?

>That's too much food for me to eat.

>Japanese animation studios make too much anime for me.
While grammatically correct, that means the companies make anime just for you (and not for anyone else) ... あなたのための, 贈り物の様に
>Japanese animation studios make too much anime, in my opinion.

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other than double consonants and long vowels it's actually not bad I think.


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Thanks for correcting my post.

And no thanks to you faggot.

i dont get this one
なんで みんなは そんな大変な目にあってまでハンタになりたいのかなあ
i wonder why does everyone have such a serious eye to want to be a hunter

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目 can also mean "an experience"
目に遭う means "to have an experience" or "to go through an experience"
Why does everyone want to be a hunter so badly that they will go so far as to have such a terrible experience

ok, thanks

I said 心配してくれてありがとう and my friend replied 心配するさそりゃ, but what does it mean?

Of course I'd worry, over something like that

It means he didn't 心配

He wouldn't say something like that!

You're lucky there isn't another あ in there

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Why do some extremely similar characters mean completely different things?


What sites do my brüders use to import books and novels from japan? Amazon is pricing everything I want at 520% so I need an alternative. thanks

There are Japanese bookstores in Düsseldorf that will ship anything you want to you if you email them. Or go there yourself if you live reasonably close.

Apart from that I use a kindle for Japanese ebooks from Amazon. It's the most painless way if you don't really need physical.

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Thank you I think I found a store. Anfrage送りました. Time to wait.

I got subscriptions for monthly and weekly magazines with one of those bookstores and while I get them roughly one week after they're out in Japan, to me that's still reasonably fast and better than trying to rely on full raw scans or anything like that.

>monthly and weekly magazines
Could you please let me know the names of that?

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minasan wa genki desu ka

It's nothing special. I just get 少年ジャンプ and 月刊アフタヌーン desu. I like reading the physical copies.

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hai, totemo genki desu yo

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I was sure that gemination counts as two moras.

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I no longer buy any comic magazines these days desu.
I buy thing like ゴールデンカムイ, ダンジョン飯 and 施川ユウキ’s works when I find new volumes in stores desu.

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For me it is a learning resource, so I keep up with it for that reason as well. I would not buy them if they weren't in Japanese.

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どうやってhatomugi gfを作る?

>learning resource
Why did you pick THOSE TWO for that?
Picking things like 大相撲ジャーナル or 暮しの手帖 instead of them would be more beneficial for you desu.

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shit, I messed up.
is for


Hello my tomodachis, can I get some feedback on this translation? Last part sounds a bit iffy

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I'm troubled that I'm popular with so many girls too much.
(i hope so)
Why does everyone want to become a hunter, going so far as doing such hard and painful things?
It's (usually) natural for me to anxious about you (in such situation)
安彦良和『乾と巽 ―ザバイカル戦記―』

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How come Japanese TV shows always have a box with a guy reacting in the corner?

They were just ahead of the times.

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昧眛 唏晞 胄冑 臾叟
瞑暝 竽竿 壼壺 徙徒
刊刋 疆彊 刺剌 洌冽
祗祇 凄淒 晳皙 痳痲
忽怱 喧暄 詫詑 陜陝

Because they give the reaction comedian a job that laughter makes the audience laugh.


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normalfags love the reactions of total strangers. it gives them comfort, like the dog that sits on your foot(the ultimate リア充 animal)

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I made this meme. I hope u like it.

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Because for teaching the audience timing of laughing.

I finished my N3 anki deck yesterday. I'm now officially trash tier instead of mega trash tier. Just revision until the test in July now. がんばります!


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Keep it up, Australian user!
you are gonna make it!

I have nothing in particular to talk about...

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I stayed up way too late playing

This counts as Japanese practice as far as I'm concerned.

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what does this mean?

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It's the stem form of 察する, normally spelled 察し.
A guess. A conjecture.

Any difference between 値 and 値段?


Watch some Saki before bed to wrap up things nicely.

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yes... MMMM

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値 = price or value
値段 = price

the runes mason
what do they mean?

値 itself has two meanings, price and value.
however, when 値 is pronounced あたい(atai), it means "value"
on the other hand, 値段 is pronounced ねだん(nedan) and it only means price

>I have nothing in particular to talk about...
Let's see. What kind of music do you like, user? Any bands you'd recommend?
And for some reason, Jow Forums isn't letting me ask these questions in Japanese. It says it's spam. Fucking めんどくせえ.



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moshi moshi I lik animu desu

made this translation. I have 0 knowledge about japanes grammar, only know some kanjis and hirigana/katakana.

what can I do better/to get a more correct translation? ty

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duwang/10 you're good to go, buddy

it's perfect you don't need to change a thing

It's great. Don't you dare change a thing.

People can't seem to make the connection that saying "you have good style" in Japanese actually means "you're hot"

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In terms of writing quality it's on par with the original.

Nor should they have to. The japs should fix their nonsensical language.

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what a beautiful miltank

On the edge of an elf forest in a small hut protected by maze magic there lived a (something) skinned elf named (something) and a small vampire named Ret.

One day Ret ran out to fight a group of guys calling themselves adventurers who had invaded the forest. The adventures (something) as punishment for not properly minding the house (something) forbade Ret from cumming. But she kept teasing his cute penis anyway.

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It's about time you responded to him for talking.



Here is my translation that I used some from yours,

Ah, Hime, its a pokemon
What is it what is it?

Hey, over here
Where is it!?

Hime chan! Does such a splendid nipple exists??
Nipple VROOM VROOM isn't it?
e... but....?

Both of you look like pink cows...?
Mikoto where are you judging for pink colours?!



Is go これ?
I think これ same "this"
Do I made a misstake?

I try to translate this
If I made mistakes, I'm sorry

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In your case, 性器さえあれば肛門でも信仰になれる

Is there a Japanese equivalent to the phrase "not worth the paper it's printed on"?


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I’m learning grammar right now, て-form seems like it’s going to be hard to remember with all of its different rules.

What rules, it's the most flexible and most used form

Yeah but I know you can do you.

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How do I say "I'm worried about being treated as an outsider if I go to Japan"? Please forgive my broken, dogshit attempt.