DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for anyone interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games. Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
Are you my English teacher? I'm not sure whether my English sentences will be correct or not, but okay, I'll make it.
That's too much food for I eating. それは私が食べるには多すぎる(食べ物です)。
Japanese animation studios make too much anime for me. 日本のアニメ制作会社は私にとってアニメを多く作り過ぎている。
Do these sentences sound good?
Matthew Gomez
>That's too much food for me to eat.
>Japanese animation studios make too much anime for me. While grammatically correct, that means the companies make anime just for you (and not for anyone else) ... あなたのための, 贈り物の様に >Japanese animation studios make too much anime, in my opinion.
目 can also mean "an experience" 目に遭う means "to have an experience" or "to go through an experience" Why does everyone want to be a hunter so badly that they will go so far as to have such a terrible experience
Kevin Peterson
ok, thanks
Gabriel Rodriguez
I said 心配してくれてありがとう and my friend replied 心配するさそりゃ, but what does it mean?
Alexander Hill
心配するさ、それは Of course I'd worry, over something like that
Why do some extremely similar characters mean completely different things?
Aiden Moore
Juan Foster
What sites do my brüders use to import books and novels from japan? Amazon is pricing everything I want at 520% so I need an alternative. thanks
Brayden Lee
There are Japanese bookstores in Düsseldorf that will ship anything you want to you if you email them. Or go there yourself if you live reasonably close.
Apart from that I use a kindle for Japanese ebooks from Amazon. It's the most painless way if you don't really need physical.
Thank you I think I found a store. Anfrage送りました. Time to wait.
Chase Parker
I got subscriptions for monthly and weekly magazines with one of those bookstores and while I get them roughly one week after they're out in Japan, to me that's still reasonably fast and better than trying to rely on full raw scans or anything like that.
Brandon Powell
>monthly and weekly magazines Could you please let me know the names of that?
「質問多過ぎで嫌になる」 女子にモテ過ぎて困る。 I'm troubled that I'm popular with so many girls too much. (i hope so) Why does everyone want to become a hunter, going so far as doing such hard and painful things? 「心配するよ、(普通、)それは(当然のことだ)」 の略。 It's (usually) natural for me to anxious about you (in such situation) 安彦良和『乾と巽 ―ザバイカル戦記―』 連載中のはず
Because for teaching the audience timing of laughing.
Bentley Thomas
I finished my N3 anki deck yesterday. I'm now officially trash tier instead of mega trash tier. Just revision until the test in July now. がんばります! /blogpost
値 itself has two meanings, price and value. however, when 値 is pronounced あたい(atai), it means "value" on the other hand, 値段 is pronounced ねだん(nedan) and it only means price
Liam Wilson
>I have nothing in particular to talk about... Let's see. What kind of music do you like, user? Any bands you'd recommend? And for some reason, Jow Forums isn't letting me ask these questions in Japanese. It says it's spam. Fucking めんどくせえ.
On the edge of an elf forest in a small hut protected by maze magic there lived a (something) skinned elf named (something) and a small vampire named Ret.
One day Ret ran out to fight a group of guys calling themselves adventurers who had invaded the forest. The adventures (something) as punishment for not properly minding the house (something) forbade Ret from cumming. But she kept teasing his cute penis anyway.