I like jamón. Do people in your cunt eat Jamón?
I like jamón. Do people in your cunt eat Jamón?
Yes, I brought home a whole leg of pata negra last summer
Yes. A jamón sandwich with black coffee is a kang's breakfast.
Pretty sure that jamon and other stuff like unpasteurized cheese is illegal in the US.
we eat jamom's pussy
With put them in pizzas with rocket leaves
Never had it but I really want to try it.
>rocket leaves
How is that different from other kinds of ham?
no thanks, prosciutto crudo is 10000 times better
I ate it several times when my m8 brought some form Spain.
Yes. It's delicious with provolone, or bread and olive oil.
I want some right now but am recovering from dental surgery so unfortunately cannot.
add cherry tomatoes and sour creme and you got the food of gods
True. San Daniele for ever.
Yes. We especially like Jamón toast
*blocks your path*
depends on the state
Looks dry and flavourless. Bought some from Lidl once when it was Iberian week and had my suspicions confirmed.
Plus, it was very expensive
>bought some from lidl
no, but i saw some leg of it at costco for a few hundred dollars
is it similar to prosciutto? i bought some of that and it had a weird sweetness
Yes but it's very expensive.
>Looks dry and flavourless
Sounds like you accidantly ate the package.
Land of the Free indeed.
>Looks dry and flavourless
It's greasy and it has a lot of flavour, I think you're lying, not even the cheapest one is 'dry and flavourless'...
And it's expensive because curation takes eight months to three years, and a 12 months reserve time.
I'm probably responding a bait, anyways, try it some day.
Yes both Italian or Spanish
Jamon + melon
Uma delicia.
my dad makes these
You can find it but it is not so common. We have our own very nice hams
We eat pršut
how does that taste compared to Iberian one?
my grandma used to make presunto com figo
Yes, its delicious. Though usually pre-packaged instead of properly.
it's good, but not as good as people want it to be
that's fucking expensive, like 400€ or so...
I eat this almost every day on my sandwich
>poorfag can't afford parma ham
I like Spanish ham. It's tasty.
But good iberian is far more expensive than both of those?
Yeah, it's available in every supermarket but it is indeed quite expensive
30€ for kilo
Prosciutto is inferior to Spanish ham.
It's too salty and lacks umami taste.
it's RAW
might as well eat mortadella
To be fair the Lidl example isn't the best but it still isn't bad.
This is so great. So bad that it costs like x 5-10 times here.
pršut was invented in 967 bc by great croatian royal inventor nikola tesla
>Do people in your cunt eat Jamón?
Ja man
Rarely but it's good
>I went to buy shit and was surprised it was bad
Stop buying in lidl moron
I liked it, but I'm a vegetarian now.
demonic trips of croat lies
it was slovenian inventor milavž tišler
Wtf it's haram. My uncle liked to give it to his Jewish relatives as a joke telling them it's lamb.
have sex
sand nigs love to larp as westerns
Jamon serrano =/= jamon iberico
We use jamon serrano to do sandwiches or cheap things, jamon iberico is the good one.
I had some halal beef jambon the other day, pretty fucking good desu
I'm a westerner, maghreb litteraly mean the West in arabic
my dad won one in a raffle it was moldy but he said that is better like that because it adds flavour is this true?
>eating a pig's ass
>not eating ass in 2k19
Based ruffles. Literally my childhood.
Ok, the device k
We eat pork and don't circumcise in my family.
Yes it is viewed as taboo among some groups but the middle-higher economic class here are usually non religious and some of them are fine with pork.
That's why we will retake Palestine inshallah
Little crystals and the fat turning brown is ok. Actual mold isn't. Jamón is supposed to be stored in a dry place.
Araps are brainlets and the only reason Jews got Israel is because eurocucks like pitying the "little guy"