Why do Sardinians have broad faces if they're ancient Anatolians?

Attached: Facial Index_Morphological Facial Length x100 _ Bizygomatic Width1.png (2250x1570, 2.01M)

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When I saw this retarded thread I knew it was either the Canadian or the Swedish tard

They might have long skulls, but the faces are too broad

Attached: Italy Cephalic Index - Small.png (723x840, 485K)

Get some help


Imagine being this uneducated. Sardinians are Phoenician

He's Kurdish though. He makes threads about how Swedes should be replaced by Georgians, Kurds and Afghans.

Retard. They don't have a lot of iran neolithic admixture. Phoenicians on the other hand would have had plenty of it.

Which one? The Kurd in Sweden or the one in Georgia?

Isn’t the Canadian autist Paki or something too?

Found this one for reference.

Attached: admixture middle east.jpg (654x527, 116K)

Literally unemployed shitskins in first world countries with too much time on their hands

I mean OP
he used to roleplay a Swedish person obsessed with skull indexes but he dropped that shtick and now just makes pro-CHG shitposts

kys cephalic index autist

He is probably not even CHG. Levantites and Kurds are CHG rapebabies at best who still follow a culture more similar to the levant neolithic people. I don't think that a CHG-like population even exits outside of the Caucasus.

>Dropped that
Are you saying I find Brachycephalic skull appealing now? Surely you jest me finngoloid

Attached: Sami_flag_reindeers_siberia.png (640x475, 14K)

Brachycephalic and borderline brachycephalic skulls > dolicuck kurt skulls.

Only SW and NW Europeans are dolicephalic in West Eurasia. Pajeets don't count and Saudis are meso-doli because of Negroid infusions, most likely from the time they were conquered by Ethiopians.

>conquered by Ethiopians

Do tell.

>The Empire of Aksum at its height at times extended across most of present-day Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen and Saudi Arabia

That was a long time ago and the cephalic index of southern Arabia in 1897 was in the low end mesocephalic range. I guess Doli is limited to Meds, Brits + pajeets.

In mordor

Attached: 1556557118145.png (435x597, 388K)