Did you know portuguese women have moustache?
Map thread
Adam Gomez
Isaac Powell
>etymology not found
Asher Myers
My nigga
Ayden Nelson
Yes I did
Colton Murphy
Luis Stewart
>3rd world flag
>image for ants
every time
Jose Hill
Nathan Rivera
It's sesalec, not salec
Michael Smith
>Image for ants
U wot m8?
Matthew Martin
If ya can't read what is written their ya might need to check the docter mate.
Owen Sullivan
Anthony Cruz
>IMG_1132.png (274 KB, 1280x819)
it looks tiny in a normal screen, its like font 6 text
might look big in a 1024x768 screen tho
Luis Baker
Our is "mustaċċ", but you'll hear people say "baffi" too.
Owen Adams
yes, but they cut them
Ian Wright
Mason Allen
Kayden Evans
Josiah Cook
Public Support For Same Sex Marriage in Asia
Brandon Reyes
Population density map
Leo Carter
>romance language
>perhaps from german bei gott
Sebastian Thompson
Sebastian Hernandez
Terms of sale