Post statues from your country

Attached: SuphanBuri.jpg (1200x900, 223K)

Why the fuck would lithuania have a statue like that?

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Attached: Niederwalddenkmal-01c.jpg (2816x1622, 1.3M)

Attached: Alt-Berlin011.jpg (1274x1000, 485K)

Attached: 1200px-Berlin_Nationaldenkmal_Kaiser_Wilhelm_1900.jpg (1200x903, 257K)

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Attached: buddha 2.jpg (1200x675, 74K)

I will be posting for Qatar now. Several pics.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-04 at 7.19.55 PM.png (1224x534, 697K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-04 at 7.21.51 PM.png (540x806, 489K)

Attached: orry alex sergeev.jpg (3006x1998, 643K)

that one time Zidane did what he did at the world cup

Attached: zidane-statue-qatar.jpg (500x750, 171K)

Largest beaver statue in the world

Attached: Giant-Beaver-at-Beaverlodge-AB-Dr.-J.-Marshall-Mangan.jpg (415x342, 26K)

Largest dinosaur statue in the world

Attached: 5d944912c04fd0865bf853d238603c90.jpg (600x481, 48K)

Largest lobster statue in the world

Attached: WorldsLargestLobster_1_jpg.jpg (600x330, 32K)

Largest fiddle statue in the world

Attached: ef682a9eb2e2e748c5_450px-Sydney_Fiddle.jpg (293x390, 23K)

Attached: bad bad boy.jpg (1600x1069, 292K)

Largest axe statue in the world

Attached: Nackawic World Largest Axe resized.jpg (600x330, 36K)

that's a yabby innit

Largest paperclip statue in the world

Attached: CHVMhjGUMAAs9OQ.jpg (592x488, 106K)

Largest moose statue in the western hemisphere

Attached: XSKMOOmoose_sumoflam.jpg (280x210, 9K)


Largest nickel statue in the world

Attached: nickel-4.jpg (555x800, 89K)

Attached: cb1704a6f95f15ef27dd1aefad686ae8.jpg (2736x3648, 1.04M)

2nd largest goose statue in the world

Attached: wawa-goose-ontario-1024x682.jpg (1024x682, 95K)

Mom said it's my turn on the xbox

Attached: images.jpeg-27.jpg (415x739, 31K)

Swear to God canada has the stupidest statues
This nigga always sperging out and posting this dumb shit like hes supposed to be proud of it

Some famous ones

Attached: 1024px-Zdenac_života_(Meštrović)_1.jpg (1024x768, 167K)

Largest Ghandi statue in the western hemisphere

Attached: ghandhiji.jpg (411x800, 124K)

Attached: zagreb-and-korta-katarina-174.jpg (3072x2304, 1.37M)

Attached: 768px-Šibenik,_kip_Jurja_Dalmatinca.jpg (768x1024, 289K)

Attached: DcBmO7VXcAAXZs4.jpg (900x1200, 223K)

Attached: image.jpg (1280x960, 206K)

Largest Vincent van Gogh Sunflowers statue in the world

Attached: biggest-easel-manitoba.jpg (540x450, 43K)

Largest manual lawn mower statue in the world

Attached: lawn-mower-canada-biggest-attractions-600x469.jpg (600x469, 53K)

Largest sandpiper statue in the world

Attached: giant-bird-canada-biggest-attractions-600x837.jpg (600x837, 106K)

Largest sail needle statue in the world

Attached: stitching-needle-canada-biggest-attractions-600x488.jpg (600x488, 31K)

Largest apple statue in the world

Attached: big-apple.jpg (300x450, 24K)

That's Humpty Dumpty, stupid.

Largest Magnemite statue in the world.

Attached: condorito.jpg (337x450, 47K)

What is that statue for? or what is it supposed to be?

a testimony to the dominance of Chinese culture over Thailand

Attached: gallery-landmark-421-f834.jpg (500x389, 79K)

Thanks Japan

Attached: images (53).jpg (300x400, 15K)

fuck materazzi

i think your lion looks sick, you should take it to the sculptor