Anyone else thought it was pretty based?

Anyone else thought it was pretty based?

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The first mosque was pretty funny. The second one was embarrassing

And redpilled

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It was unexpected. But the government's reaction was cringeworthy.
>let's wear burkas
>the shooter is now Voldemort
>by the way, don't forget to block 4channel

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if you're gonna draw something as an anime thot at least make it cute

terrorism is bad desu

>defending 4ch*nnel

no. killing is evil.

it pissed me off because Jow Forums got blocked 2 days later. I can use 4channel still but I have to use a vpn to get on the red (Jow Forums) boards. Can't post with a vpn because they're all banned.

Can someone post a soyjack in response to him?

The only unfortunate thing about his strike is that ir generated a lot of solidarity towards the "poor muzzies".

>no. killing is evil.

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Thought it was pretty cringe myself.

Potato americans embrace theirs

nah, them crawling like insect into the corners was cringe

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What other POV mass shooting like this has there been?

Why? The shooting took place in New Zealand, not England.

have sex incels


I realize that the term was invented by American boomers to justify a for-profit health insurance system, but the U.K. is quite literally a nanny state.

"Remember lads...
Subscribe to pewdiepie"

unironically kill yourself