Anyone else thought it was pretty based?
Anyone else thought it was pretty based?
The first mosque was pretty funny. The second one was embarrassing
And redpilled
It was unexpected. But the government's reaction was cringeworthy.
>let's wear burkas
>the shooter is now Voldemort
>by the way, don't forget to block 4channel
if you're gonna draw something as an anime thot at least make it cute
terrorism is bad desu
>defending 4ch*nnel
no. killing is evil.
it pissed me off because Jow Forums got blocked 2 days later. I can use 4channel still but I have to use a vpn to get on the red (Jow Forums) boards. Can't post with a vpn because they're all banned.
Can someone post a soyjack in response to him?
The only unfortunate thing about his strike is that ir generated a lot of solidarity towards the "poor muzzies".
>no. killing is evil.
Thought it was pretty cringe myself.
Potato americans embrace theirs
nah, them crawling like insect into the corners was cringe
What other POV mass shooting like this has there been?
Why? The shooting took place in New Zealand, not England.
have sex incels
I realize that the term was invented by American boomers to justify a for-profit health insurance system, but the U.K. is quite literally a nanny state.
"Remember lads...
Subscribe to pewdiepie"
unironically kill yourself