/brit/ - Canelo Alvarez vs. Daniel Jacobs

We Box Office Now Lads

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*Janny teleports behind u*

We’re all gonna make it bros

Any /freemen on the land/ in?

Oh did the man push the other man ohhhhh the man is going to punch the other man later and the other man will punch him back ohhhh soooo good. Not. Epic fail blizzard, epic fail.

Voting for the Brexit Party

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might become a nursery teacher

what did she mean by this

men are out there right now kicking balls on fields and you're sat inside posting on /brit/
feel bad yet?

playing a game

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doing a watch


The Techno Union Army is at your disposal, Count

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rugby season's over lad so no
I don't care about povertydive

OY VEY! We love Israel!

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Finna knock out a fat one

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Play 3 instead

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It's literally the climax of the rugby season, what are you on about?

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>The banking clan will sign your treaty

doing the whole trilogy.

Rorke's been off his rocker for weeks now!

No it isn’t no it isn’t no it isn’t it’s not because I said it’s not and that’s final! No! Lalalalalallalala

do girls play with their nipples when they have girl wanks?

really want to see the womens matches

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No, we don't


*takes a prolonged sniff in the air*
Smells like gamer boys in here... y’all best be departing

Don't mind me, just testing to see if I can upload personal videos onto here. This is one of my gf, from Camps Bay beach earlier.

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the ideal gf
a shame they fall to bits once they hit 32


Suppose the upcoming Ulster v Connacht game is cancelled then waheey

new review brah up

enough germs on my foreman grill rn to wipe out an entire small country but cba cleaning it and will use it again tomorrow haha

the amateur season's over mate, I'm not a fucking pro

>review brah

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getting the gymtoil out of the way so i can get back to drinking

Hello silly bois :3

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if it doesn't have removeable plates, put some wet kitchen roll in there and turn it on
the steam from the wet kitchen roll loosens all the bits of food

reforge myself in the fire of personal sacrifice and self control OR eat a big ol' box of sweets?

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what's the best meat lads? lamb imo

meat is murder

I began pursuing women for mostly sexual reasons in 2001. I must’ve logged tens of thousands of hours into the task. I’ve been also traveling or living abroad near continuously since 2007. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to fornicate, fornicating, traveling to more effectively fornicate, and writing over a million words about fornication. What did I learn from all that? It’s an experience that gets more dull with repetition, like any other experience. However, it also leaves you with a massive hangover where you find yourself at a loss. What was the point of all that? Is there anything I’ve truly gained? What lasting glory have I achieved? If I wasn’t a writer, I would have nothing to “show” for my efforts besides memories that are as likely to make me cringe as give me happiness.

would report you to state police for execution

this guy with the glasses is absolutely bombing it on the chase, absolutely awful

imagine just how fucking PENG it would be if a massive asteroid hit earth and you everyone on earth heard a massive BANG and then like 99% of people on the planet die but you survive and you're roaming about the wilderness hunting and stuff

socalists are always bootlickers for brutal authoritarian regimes that keep their boot on the throat of the working man, so long as those regimes claim to be socialist.

This is why I wank. I’m a wanker. I wank.

Was this /brit/'s Magnum Opus?

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cricket is the thinking white man's sport
all others are made solely to entertain the uncouth masses

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Woah get a load of this guy, he's a real Bukowski, yes, you heard the man, he got drunk and fucked people like normal people, but decided to write about it as if it isn't


>socalists are always bootlickers for brutal authoritarian regimes that keep their boot on the throat of the working man, so long as those regimes claim to be socialist.

>"Why don't you clock out, then get back to work, wagey. Don't you dare report wage theft. You're lucky to have this job."

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*gets toothache*
now what?

*insufferable, camp voice*
>Woah get a load of this guy, he's a real Bukowski, yes, you heard the man, he got drunk and fucked people like normal people, but decided to write about it as if it isn't

More like paki sport. The real thinking white man's sport is snooker and that's the end of it

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dental problems came with the civilisation and cultivating grains

ordered some phenibut, is it any good?

phwoar quadroon mutts look like THIS?

Fat ugly pig with an ugly busted monkey face

why the fuck everything gotta cost money

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How am I wrong? Socialists are always supporting evil regimes like the Soviets, Venzuela, Cuba, DPRK, Zimbabwe etc

>Lyrics in the song include: “She just f**ked 100 men, she’s like, ‘Who’s next?'” “Had them white birds on the side curbs, looking for a dirty Paki or a white nerd.” “I had a white girl, I used to call a cash machine. I got 20 white girls and they all trap [sell drugs] for me. They’re all in the flats laying on their backs for P [money].”

the crumbling ruins, the acid rain, the dull and dreary waiting
the sickness and the anger and the pain

Pull the tooth out
Continue through the toothache

Have sex

Finna spend some cash today boi

same 2bh

I've a few methods of cleaning it 2bh but I like to try and keep a certain level of grime on it as it always gives the food flavour and lubes it a bit so it doesn't just stick to the grill and get burned

ah yes very impressive

unironically weep from despair on a regular basis

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Poor guy what has you down

should do something about that

I finished walking thru this exhibition 15 mins ago and the gf still gawping

i'll give you something to cry about

why do you think anyone here gives a fuck?

That's grim

Chin up ya wettytboi

unironically wank with despair on a regular basis

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Reckon quite a lot of lads itt could do with a hard willy stuffed into their gob

anybody else get the feeling they're watching a car crash in slow motion lately or is it just me

you offering?

Cannot wait for Eddie Izzard's labour party to absolutely smoke Sargon of Akkad's UKIP party in the 2030 general election (and battle for Britain's soul)

ex used to rub my bumhole during sex
need to find a new girl to do this

hello baz mate
snooker is the epitome of lowerclass runtfeed

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can't believe its only half 5 and I've already had 18 cans of beer today

sorry, did I say 18?
I meant 80


tehee im bent :v

There was a hum of fretwork guess-
work a piecework of selves on the veranda where I asked
my mother how much did it cost to carry so many filaments
two instead of one when smocked and behooved
we left the hospital each with a different
kind of insomnia–––––a different kind
of question and a
different kind of mother torn under a glistening
yolk of sun
that put everything on the table whether
we wished it or not

In the late summer a kind of lull sulked around
the house not deliberately but everybody unconsciously
slowed their blood assumed the right position even visitors
––––––children knew to play outdoors while adults
continued to plait bread and vacuum

When mulberries finished flexing their purplish seeds
a more ancient time arrived and out of silence I remember
climbing through a wall of thorny scrub
to find a tree in a clearing
swathed in bees and at the heart a black sun into which all
bees traveled Here I put my sibling
and my mother’s caul of tears into a pollen pot that swayed
in step with the wind It was no altar
but a cup of gold-dusted slumber that stung and over-
swarmed with a dissident task–––––irrational
bristling with relief–––––stoic as moon-
light unearthing the ash of sleep.

sorry but you're telling tales

Genuinely losing my grip on reality

what's the ploblem

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Chance'd be a fine thing!

I just want to slither underneath my bed covers until I die