>Why yes, Cuba and Venezuela are my favorite Latino countries. What gave it away?
Why yes, Cuba and Venezuela are my favorite Latino countries. What gave it away?
He could pass as a local in my country.
My rich cousin married a Colombian girl
his boyfriend is from cuba so it makes sense uwu
Is this dude actually gay?
he dated janice griffith
he as an incel before he met popular video game streamer Destiny
proof: twitch.tv
Yeah his political views are dogshit
I was about to say based but she's a pornstar, so I dunno if that's a good or a bad thing
oh no no no no
>Cuba and Venezuela
You mean Cuba and Cuba?
Well he might have been but I doubt he is now
Haha so funny lmfao. Is greek actually Greek or what?
Greek is British.
i'm gay and don't feel anything looking at op
post attractive guys next pls
he is legit greek but raised in england, dunno where he is born.
>Commie faggots
Well either way I don't really care desu
What is his routine?
40 daily reps of being himself bro
>>Commie faggots
>Being anti-Nazi is for faggots
Simo Hayha is off his pills again...
Lmao the fat guy is actually only half greek/half bong, full blooded greeks are way more swarthy.
He's a rad-lib through and through
Wish some stupid Maoists murder him for speaking ill of socialism
he's a straight up commie
No lol
Supporting social democratic policies/states doesn't make you a commie
"all profit is theft" sounds pretty commie to me?
He's alt-right
Yeah he means that the profit should be put into social programs
He's deliberately (or undeliberately ) using radical sounding phrases from anarchists and marxists to try and look radical
Literal definition of a radlib
>raised in istanbul
hasan is probably greek too
Is Uygur a Greek name?
he's 100% KARA BOGA
no but half of istanbul are assimilated greeks
he sounds like a top lad
Anyone who supports Venezuela is a radlib poser or a braindead Marxist leninist who's entire politics is "if any country opposes America it means it's good and socialist"
I'm not saying imperialism isn't a thing or that we shouldn't oppose it but thinking Venezuela is some socialist country in terms of communist theories like marxism is a joke
At least the Soviet union tried for a few decades to reduce hours of work and had a goal for reaching communism even tho they were wrong in approach and organisation
Good post.
ok pretty based, i never paid that much attention to his actual views
by the way, of you live in one of the commie regions of india?
delet dis
Based. ever noticed how the countries supoorting the status quo
in Venezuela are those the farthest geographically speaking from it? You will barely find anyone in this side of the world supporting it, but some european and asian countries do. Makes you ponder
is piker a turkish last name
No I'm in a bjp dominated state
How did it look before Venezuela went to complete shit? Weren't there a lot of support just a few years ago?
>How did it look before Venezuela went to complete shit
It was unironically one of the richest countries in the region, all poor Colombians wanted to move there because their government had very generous social security programs and the internal economy was booming thanks to the oil money.
And that's just a glimmer of its past glory, back in the 50s it was one of the wealthiest countries in the world per capita.
I would unironically kill myself if I was born in Argentina or Venezuela, they went from being some of the wealthiest nations in the world in the past century to.... well, what they are nowadays.
what sort of commie are you? ML, maoist or something else? Which party do you support?
Social democracy in the west is fundamentally different to the 'social democracy' that venezuela and nicaragua are. In the west the capitalists introduced social democracy as they saw a slight decrease in their imperialist superprofits as worth it to sedate the working class. In venezuela and nicaragua, their social democracies were introduced by revolution against the wishes of their own capitalists. The working class in venezuela hold power through their community organisations, colectivos and militias. This is why capitalists in the west can simply get socdems to introduce austerity whenever they want while capitalists in venezuela have to beg for a foreign coup by the USA. Venezuela and Nicaragua are DOTPs but not yet socialist, although they are moving towards it by encouraging cooperatives and empowering community organisations.
Yeah apparently it is, at first I thought his mom got Anglo BVLL'd but nope
proof it's turkish?
>I would unironically kill myself if I was born in Argentina or Venezuela
Venezuela, sure, but why Argentina? It still seems like most well functioning country in South America after Chile.
>It still seems like most well functioning country in South America after Chile.
You don't read economic news? inflation in Argentina is skyrocketing and the economy is tanking, and this kind of shit happens there every decade, it's fine for now but it will probably get overtaken economically by Mexico and rather maybe even Colombia and Peru if they keep this current trend of their economy going to shit every 15 years or so.
The good thing about Colombia is that it's very hard to be pessimistic about living here because we have nowhere to go but up.
their whole economy got completely fucked last year under the neoliberal macri government
> rather
He's cute
Right. But, for example, Colombia still has 4x higher homicide rate. Luckily it looks like it's going down but it's still extremely high. To me it just seems like Argentina is inherently more stable even if it has an economic crisis.
no fap..
thats the secret of a mans success
top 3 regions of name:
1. USA
2. Uganda
3. Turkey
literally wtf. somebody explain this forebears.io
Argentina, the country that had 9 coups in the 20th century is not inherently stable, it has a low murder rate, but that has more to do with good social policies and poverty reduction.
Ecuador used to have a higher murder rate than Argentina's but now it is lower, things change pretty quickly in Latin America.
This post is too high iq for american to understand
Before socialism they had a mercantilist and crony goverment but it was livable for the time, in fact almost 1st world tier at the time, but people got fed up. it turns out the alternative ended up being worse. Historically Venezuela had been richer than us because of muh oil, so naturally when their economy was booming in the 70s tons of colombians went there. Now the tables turned
Colombia has been improving a lot desu, I remember a Colombian mayor won a best mayor in the world award, I think it was Bogota's? I'm not sure
Argentina is peaceful, but their economy and social situation is a complete mess. The most fiscally sound countries in South america are Chile, Peru and Colombia, coincidentally they form the Pacific alliance along Mexico and maybe Panama in the future
>what sort of commie are you? ML, maoist or something else? Which party do you support?
I like the works of left communists espically and communizers and agree with them on a lot of stuff so you could say leftcom but it's a very vague label , no I don't like parties I think they're a failed form of organisation
>Venezuela and Nicaragua are DOTPs but not yet socialist, although they are moving towards it by encouraging cooperatives and empowering community organisations.
This is so wrong
Read this
that is a shill award. That so called mayor almost destroyed my city
>not demsoc
i thought u were based, apu
Yeah, but that's a good thing
Fuck R*los.
How? Didn't crime go down, and you received more tourism?
no in fact crime went down when the current mayor demolished the bronx a couple of years ago. Before that there was a literal anarchy 2 blocks area in the middle of downtown where not even the fucking state had access to
Most Rolos (people from Bogota) don't like him because:
1. He's a left winger
2. There were some irregularities with the granting of waste management contracts.
3. (I'm not very sure about this one) the construction of Bogota's metro (embarrassingly for them, the only city in Colombia with a working metro system is Medellin) had multiple issues and delays.
Lots of brainlets here like him, especially the poorfags from the south side who naively believe that he will come to their rescue intead of just diverting their resources into his famous collection of ferragamo shoes
>collection of ferragamo shoes
That's the weirdest thing to shit on him for. His unlikable and abrasive personality? nah senpai (probably because Uribe is the same), his retarded proposals like attempting to replace oil exports with agricultural exports like avocados? nope, the fact that he ran for president despite knowing that he was handing the victory over to Uribe because there's no way a left wing candidate is going to win the elections? hahah nope, his shoe collection it is!
Should we shit on Uribe for his banana producing estate collection? of course not, who in their right mind would care about their property and what they do with their money?
Left and right. I dont know which is worse.
Am not a leftie but am being harrased for investigating "clan A" if you know what i mean....
Corruption in our country is a shame.
> commie fucks don't love luxurious items
Poor people just love the equality speeches he gives, and how he seems to be fighting for a cause. They literally don't realize that they are being played, while the commie fuck lives in a $1.5 million dollar house in the outskirts of the city
his mom is greek his dad is british
Damn peruvians
Based Croatia
Both his parents are Turkish