I'm talking about top shelf Indian women like this one.
How ez is it for white men to pick up Indian chicks?
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Bump for pajettas
People who are the top 25% of their populations especially rarely race-mix with few exceptions.
Fuck off
Not like all of em will get them. Even the whites have to be like 7/10, but could be a low tier actor like nick jonas. Blacks won't be chosen even if 9/10 cuz my publicity and racism. Even chinks are the same. Indians and Pakistanis have to be 7/10 and/ or high status millionaires to marry them.
Hence I cope
shame ignorant firangis with this new powerful meme bhrata
They especially do but only with the top 25% of other populations. Its like a modern aristocracy
would you mind indians getting bleached again? like a massive round 2 of aryan invasian?
The way of the world right now is blacked. Indo-Aryan qts are getting blacked by darkie Dalits and swarthy Shudras and blacks here.
Northern rapebabies got cucked by Steppe invasion. South Indian bulls still speak Dravidian languages and have almost 100% Dravidian ancestry.
Bleaching is probably the worst thing that can happen to a country. It’s basically cuck DNA entering another bloodline resulting in the bastard of a civilisation. See: South America. This applies to the Aryan invasion too, after the invasion north India entered a dark age where civilisation halted. It took around 800 years for another organised civilisation to emerge.
what do pajeetas smell like? i'm afraid of smelling or tasting curry in middle of a love making session
>Blacks won't be chosen even if 9/10 cuz my publicity and racism.
wtf? pajeetas don't like BLACK BVLLS?
>100% Dravidian ancestry
So only Irulas and Paniyas, then?
That’s mostly wrong cuz a lot of Indians are as black as Africans and still get pussy in India.
Sure, there’s a tilt towards light skin like there’s in the black community as well as Latin America. The only shit black men get in India are from Indian men beating them up or trying to impose their toxic masculinity on black men.
The truth is even if an Indian girl wanted to marry outside their race she’d be shunned by her entire family. That’s a major reason why we don’t go for foreign guys, even if we wanted to. Religion is a major issue, the guy has to be Hindu. With white, it’s only a foreigner, but with black, it’s a foreigner and he’s a criminal. And I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon because we seem to be going in the reverse direction in regards to tolerance especially towards Christians and Muslims.
The only time where parents are somewhat accepting is when the guy is white OR Asian and converts to Hinduism.
>Indo-Aryan qts are getting blacked by darkie Dalits and swarthy Shudras and blacks here
In your dreams, chamar.
You’re not wrong. India is a still a backward society when it comes to racial issues. I’m a guy but my mum had said similar things to me when I told her about my Singaporean girlfriend, threatening to disown me, giving suicide threats etc. Obviously with guys they’re a bit less strict but still.
disgusting poo's
i will never betray the white european race
Thats not top-shelf. But its easy if you have some money.
>toxic masculinity
back to the kitchen dumb bitch
and don't go near any niggers or muslims or ill lynch you both
they never look like that
>When I decided to marry a Frenchman, my family’s concern was the normal one that parents have about whether their children have made the right decision; my partner’s nationality played only a minor role. So when a neighbour took it upon herself to tell my mother that I was being an irresponsible daughter by marrying outside my “caste” and moving abroad, it upset me at many levels. I wondered whether she would have felt as much concern over my being so far away from my mother had I married an Indian.
BASED Hindu mom BTFOs whore.
From what I’ve seen, no, on average only the rejects of both communities racemix (if any mixing goes on at all.) Maybe on the rare occasion someone from the upper level of society does mix, it’s also with someone of equal standing, but from what I’ve seen that vast majority of them can find people of their own level of looks and status within their own culture, so they have no reason to settle out.
Fucking cringe.
What are you doing here you dumb roastie?
show vagene
Post pic with timestamp
Also have sex
This. The girl in the OP is literally 1 in a billion and doesn’t really even look Indian.
Wrong. She’s literally hot and Indian-looking.
A rare one because most good looking Indians just look like Arabs or Latinxs.
I have yet to see one that looks like that.
From what I have observe they don't seem to race mix as much as the blacks so may be difficult. I'm guessing if they are liberal far left wing SJWs then yeah you got a great chance.
But whites are ok?
Hot woman are always harder to win but indian girls are usually pretty willing to date a white a white guy.
white guy dating tier list:
easy tier: white, east asian
slightly less easy tier: latina
manageable tier: indian
slight difficulty increase: black
hard mode: muslim girls
why would you want to date fatima when you could be dating ladeesha?
her brothers and cousins are going to beat you and rob you anyway at least make it worth it
muslim girls are hard mode for every guy because of the danger of getting beheaded.
You're only hope is divorcees or diaspora.
You know blacks and Indians look very different, even if they have the same color right?
passive-aggressive much?
What? I am stating the truth. I can easily distinguish between a black and a dark indian
lol this, apart from maybe a handful of ethiopians or somalis
See Zoe Saldana