
>270 million people
>88% muslim
>18,000 Islands.
How the fuck does this work?

Attached: Map Indonesia.png (1280x1282, 309K)

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I thought they were just over 100 million.

they're all 155cm so they can pack in tighter

It works only in some places and Aceh province is a sharia law province. After this year election with Prabowo claiming his victory (although he most likely will lost against the incumbent based on the quickcount and livecount) his side planning some chaos. Prabowo is like the cheap copy of Trump and most of his supporter are radical muslim.

They never sufered from radical islam because of their believe in tolerance and diversity(this may be the biggest social value in indonesia since its fundation), almost every one lives in the ilsand of java.
Even tho indonesia is not the kind of country that "works" at all. Nice people and comfy places tho.

Indonesia is pretty simple. Most Indonesians live on Java or Sumatra. The two large islands on the left. The largest island right above being cut in half is Borneo. The forests there are so dense and thick that humans have only barely colonized the Island. This is the homeland of the Orangutan. To the right the populations get more and more rural, and less Asian looking. Eventually as you keep island hopping to the right you will start seeing melanesian looking people. They are so insanely poor and stupid that they are essentially perma-occupied. Sort of like Hawaii for Americans or Puerto Rico.

The farthest right land is Papua New Guinea where the people still live like hunter gathers. And its very unpopulated and jungle dense.

>some rookie numbers fact
>another rookie numbers fact
>boring rookie numbers fact
[insert text that pretending to be wondered]

Attached: Capture.jpg (512x324, 32K)

>their believe in tolerance and diversity
ah yes
except when it comes to malaysia

>never sufered from radical islam
Sure, whatever floats your boat

Attached: peaceful muslims.jpg (768x810, 102K)

>Prabowo is like the cheap copy of Trump
did you even follow how the clintons run their politic dumbfuck?

>They never sufered from radical islam

They radicalized by flips in flip, tho. So he is still right.

i'm saying that he tried to copy trump's campaign, but it didn't worked out for him and he failed.

rightful Dutch clay

2002 bali bombing, 2005 bali bombing, 2004 aus embassy bombing

Those niggers are expected to surpass Japan in the future.

>still waiting for Ganyang Malaysia 2.0 (that obviously not going to be happened)


check the nationality of 2004 and 2005 main suspect again
surpass in what??

>surpass in what??

Attached: 2050 GDP.png (1204x1172, 1.36M)

everyone who believe this will actually happen is a brainlet
