I live in the worst region of my country after Mayotte.
Did you lose the lottery of life too ?
I live in the worst region of my country after Mayotte.
Did you lose the lottery of life too ?
I thought Lorraine was wealthy
What's preventing you from moving somewhere else ?
I live in ile de france
Its the ultimate SHITHOLE
It's poor with a high unemployed rate and the few jobs we have are blue collar jobs. There's nothing to do and the region is ugly, we always have to go to Paris for anything.
I live in the second worst region in Spain.
You're damn right I did, worst place on this earth
My family.
>and the region is ugly
no it's not
How "poor" can a region of Western Europe truly be?
Serious question.
How are basic services in your region? GDPs and other indicators don't show everything.
Do you have good roads? Can you get to other parts of the country and back again in only a few hours? Can you get good healthcare nearby? Are the local schools good and safe for children?
This is also matters.
more like your lack of balls
I was born into a normal-class family in a non-small city in a non-poor region. It's alright, it could have been much much worse.
Isn't Corsica worse?
it got destroyed in the 17th century
Nope. I live in Alberta, the greatest province of Canada.
What do you mean ? You have a wife and kids ?
>I live in ile de france
>Its the ultimate SHITHOLE
I will emigrate there sooner or later
More like that
To here?
Maaaaaan, you're not doing yourself any favours
Lorraine is one of the poorest regions of France while Alsace and Champagne were among the richest
Non, je ne vois pas de quoi tu parles.
Wealth is not everything especially in a country like France where regions have no power.
Champagne Ardennes is shit too, btw it's the only region of France with a negative demographic growth. Alsace is lucky to border Switerland and having more beautiful landscapes with the Vosges.
I live in Florida. It's nice
Negative demographic growth means there aren't that many invaders who come here which is a good thing
I was born Catalan and homosexual. So not only have I been born in the best and more civilized area of Spain but I can also suck cocks without feeling remorse. I won the lottery.
Everything down the Po river
Why ?
Cloudy weather, big plains, relaxed people
Everything I need
Champagne-Ardenne best region stfu
What the fuck do you guys do in a sunny weekend for example?
75% gdp per capita of the European average in Lorraine (far right column), why is France outside of IDF so poor?
>I suffer in Lorraine
If he lives in la Meuse I understand him.
You are super centralised
At least the parts that immedieatley border Germany (Forbach, Sarreguemines) looked alright to me
Learn german and join us again :)
On se réuni dans les parcs
Pic related: Parc Collange, Levallois
Not OP but I'm learning German right now, do you have any tips or movies to recommend in German?
Ah, you're a 111 (54+57)
>work in Luxembourg
>minimum wage ~2100 Euros after tax, health insurance and pension/retirement.
>spend it all in the cheap Lorraine
I can't see what your problem is, desufam.
My moroccan brother
I thought the south of France was considered the worst areas of the country.
yes, i was born a male
How is the west of France? Like Poitou or Aquitaine
I've only been there once on a school trip to Verdun, it looked pretty boring. Also when you watch the weather it's literally almost always the coldest region.
But least u got some forests there, it can't be that bad
Depends on where. Most of Paris and some suburbs are nice. But between 10 and 40 km of Paris it's all shit. There's like this shit belt around paris which is filled with shitty boring suburbs that don't really look like cities
Well you can go work in Luxembourg nearby. The place is boring as shit but at least you have jobs there.
I was born in God's own country, his most blessed land
Ickle firsties....
Le grand remplacement asiatique topkek
I was born in Ohio but thankfully my parents moved us to California at age 9. Ohio feels like a third world country
Moselle is the poorest departement of metropolitan France, the contrast with Alsace and even more with Germany is striking. It's a post industrial wasteland like the Norf in England, the North of France and Wallonia
That's funny, I'm watching France 5 right now they are making a reporting on Lorraine, doesn't look that bad.
I was born, lucky me
In a land that I love
Tho I'm poor, I am free
For this land I shall die
Make her sun never set
Why would I complain, frog?
you could be the mutt poster
oh man trust me I know your struggles, people call my city the detroit of Germany and we share a lot of history with lorraine (same duchy during middle ages and especially the industrial period is almost identical), but there is still a lot of nice things in the region, especially the nature and I like the people too. I just think a lot of the problems come with France being so centralized..Berliners get a lot of money too that they dont really deserve but I doubt its on the level of Paris
Wo lebst du?
Yes, i was born in fucking shithuania
That looks like an ugly city because of industrialization. Nothing some planning and investments couldn't fix.
At least Lithuania has culture
I live in a great neighborhood in my cunt, but my life is plainly miserable so it only empathizes how terrible of a person I am to be such a failure with the head start.
Living in a shitty environment isn’t that bad if you are a bad person because then you can blame your shortcomings on it.
I live in PA
It's comfy
yeah thats what im saying. If we would get the same money as Berlin (proportionately speaking) this would be a non-issue
>Did you lose the lottery of life too ?
For most of my life I thought Latvia was a shithole and the rest of Europe was awesome.
Now I am perfectly happy with living here.
Closest ethnic face is 200 km away in Stockholm and that makes me happy and proud.
I live in one of the worst, most boring states in America. I can't wait to leave this sterile shithole.
>one chance at life
>born in rural Brittany
quon est un pay buddhiste en fait :)
Lorraine is a cutie