Will any country ever surpass the USA as the "coolest" country? (global culture, people want to move here, etc.)
Will any country ever surpass the USA as the "coolest" country? (global culture, people want to move here, etc.)
Someone might
But it sure as hell won't be Tonga
if we ignore all the bad things about america
it is quite literally
the greatest place on earth
i think finland is pretty near, buddy B)
You can't lose if you make the rules
Unironically no for the foreseeable future (20-30 years).
No, the US will be supremely powerful going forward. The best of the best live here even if some of the lowest do as well. When the robotics explosion begins this country is going give a new meaning to the word unstoppable.
Already happening, my friend. Not that other countries are necessarily moving up. More so that America is slowly going down the tubes.
Unironically looks like my town heart kinda dropped for a sec.
Why pick somewhere in Vermeme?
Literally half of the East Coast looks like that
the future united states of Erope, China or Spanish culture if it invades most of USA
>people want to move here
Probably not. For some reason the third world (if willing to work) all wants to move here and the wealthy/famous do as well.
>Spanish culture if it invades most of USA
Latin American culture isnt Spanish culture. Language (adherence to rules varies), some DNA and religion(this is changing) are where it ends.
it's not the same as the culture of California is not the same as the culture of New England. We are similar culturally and we share a lot of cultural the products that we generate
>cultural the products
cultural products
do yanks really believe this or are you being ironic?
No. All bydlo think you are supercool and will be thinking so for te next few decades.
Looks like Sweden/Norway
Typical Ameridiot telling others about their country.
Absolutely based.
Poland is cooler than USA
Japan has already done that. The big difference is the Japanese won’t allow you in whereas the Americans spread legs for anything with a pulse.
Done what? became the coolest country? Don't make me laugh.
I don't think so. America is Hollywood. You decide who is cool and who is not. Germans for example are almost always portrait as loser and nerds in American media.
Literally the only German EVER in one century of American film making who was cool was Dr. King Schultz from Düsseldorf. The only one EVER. Germans are usually shown as either
1. Nazis
2. Weird fucking people
3. Weird fucking people who exist as comic relief
Look at this Onkel Thomas Flula for example. His entire career is based on stereotypes that literally DON'T EVEN exist in Germany. No one in Germany understand why Americans think he is funny.
Another example is How I met you mother. Look at the German guy and how he acts in the show. Southpark is another example.
That's also the reason why I sympathise with Asian-Americans when they say they want more representation in Hollywood. Or Indian-Americans when they say they are mad about Apu.
>Or Indian-Americans when they say they are mad about Apu
Apu was cool though.
I remember your thread. Are you going to move to Vermont after all?
Love Apu but American are just too retarded to not take Hollywood literal and build whole stereotypes around these characters. And because America is so powerful everyone adopts these views. Look how mad white Americans are because how the media represents them in the last couple years... Now you get it.
Respond to this Americans and stop destroying my life.
>Look how mad white Americans are because how the media represents them in the last couple years... Now you get it.
The media is anti-white male now. I never viewed Apu as anti-Indian. If anything, Homer is anti-white guy.
Already done by Japan. In the future, def China. Russia also could've done that, but eh.
that looks boring af
>Homer is anti-white guy
He isn't tho. Even Cletus isn't anti-white because Simpons has a plethora of different white American cultures they satirize. But non-americans only get one character, you understand? So Apu is the Indian guy and the beer-belly bavarians who buy the nuclear power plant who speak with thick german accent are the Germans. The episode is literally called Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
which is not even fucking grammatically correct. Why? Because Americans don't give a shit. Germans are just comic relief for you. Same with the other german character in Barts class who is fat ass bavarian loser.
You just don't get it.
america is the cringiest nation behind germany
I think so coolest as Silicon Valley
“Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself.“
The future will be more centered and driven by cities rather than countries. When you talk about ''cultures'' you have to think about global cities. The future will be a lot more diverse, and more about internationalism rather than settling down in a single place. I also assume transportation will be a lot different. Some may prefer Tokyo, others LA. Some London, others Sofia. It will depend on your career, lifestyle and so on.
All big cities are American
Not even remotely true.
I mean that all big cities are culturally American not that America has the biggest cities