Where will the Silicon Valley of Latin America emerge from?

Where will the Silicon Valley of Latin America emerge from?

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There won't be such a thing as a Silicon Valley of Latin America, when the IT industry rise (if it does) in Latin America it will be descentralized because Internet is already good enough to allow it.

Palo Alto

Cities are getting more important though. The Bay Area has a housing crisis because so many people want to move there.

we are the sillicon valley of the GMO's enterprises
It seems like we love to do genetic engineering.

Don't know about future latam strenghts

Objectively Colombia.

Puelto Lico

Mexico City is where stem majors get paid the most after Monterrey (another Mexican city) so where do you think

Narcos coding? I dont think so

As likely as coal and copper miners coding.

Not under your current president

antartic territory is argentinian too, this map is a shit, and jewlicon valley never emerge here

there are several hubs and incubators over here, so you might be in to something. Brazil is also a top possibility

Whores coding? I dont think so


don't respond to him dude. Let him look bad and butthurt alone

It won't be a silicon valley, because no actual silicon will be produced

Latin America Silicon Valley? That would be colombia

Colombia, Latin america's New Silicon valley: CNN Money

Silicon Valley is already in Latin America

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Buenos Aires, we have more unicorns tha any other country in the region: Mercado Libre, Despegar and Globant

its colombia irrc

Brazil or Mexico obviously

Memes aside, real answer is Congolombia, the future great power of SA

You're thinking of L.A., NorCal is riceland.

Brazil already has many companies making smartphones, tablets, notebooks etc and even some games
they are all shit tho

>Where will the Silicon Valley of Latin America emerge from?

Latin america must boost its intelligence first if it wants to have its own silicon valley.
I suggest Latin american countries import sperm from super smart donors and pay their women to use the sperm.
Farmer's import bull sperm to improve their herds, so why not import human sperm to improve your citizens?

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>import bull sperm to improve their herds
Because bulls (and purebred dogs) end up having lots of health issues later in their lives due to the copious amounts of incest and crossbreeding that are practiced.

I see, I thought that all Cali was already full of Mexicans

Mexicans can't afford to live near Silicon Valley.

Positivo, CCE, Gradiente, Multilaser, Quantum and Semp
maybe they are known in other spic shitholes

Rappi, Platzi. Softbank just poured 1 billion dollars into Rappi

Amazon just opened the largest services center in Latam here

>sources: gov.co, investincolombia
congolombia is northeast brazil tier.

The real answer memes aside. It's somewhere between Argentina, Colombia and Brazil. Mexico for some reason is lagging in this department


>Mexico for some reason is lagging in this department
It's insanely corrupt and elects commies.

>It's insanely corrupt
That also applies to Argentina, Brazil and Colombia though.
>elects commies
That applies to Argentina and Brazil as well.

Ifood > Rappi

The current Mexican president is a fucking indio idiot that doesn't believe in technology and the past one was a fucking retard.

Mexico city, Santiago de chile and some city in brazil are the only options..

buenos aires would be one but argentina gets one crisis after another.

Also 99 taxi.

Latam biggest data center is in brazil

CNN Joao, they are citing them. And northeast Brazil is even worse than Venezuela, learn your goddamn place


Everyone with a brain in Mexico goes to the USA. Brazilians stay in Brazil. Argentina is a mix.

Wrong. The largest data center of South america is in colombia as well. Don't you get tired of lying?


Silicon isn't produced in silicon Valley either

>i'll be able to move to colombia and live a comfy life as a developer
My dream. Is the Amazon thing just AWS?

Mercadolibre is kike tier. People is switching to Facebook groups, even olx.

not entirely sure, but I'm fluent in english and was thinking about applying for any position. Even janitor is fine by me lol

Fuck Mercado libre, fucking assholes

>sell something
>you have 3 business days until you receive your money because fuck you lmao

> takes 12% slice of the asking price
nothing personnel, goyim

Along the Andes for aesthetic reasons.

>Everyone with a brain in Mexico goes to the USA.
The fact that your parents did doesnt mean everyone does

Which latam country pays developers the most? that will be the next silicon valley. Probably dominican republic or panama

Santiago probably

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Panama but they are more into fintech and shiiet. They boast the highest income in Latin America

Silicon Valley itself. Does anyone here realize that San Jose was one of the few parts of Alta California with significant Spanish settlement? Immediately to the south, in Salinas and Monterrey, was the original Spanish state capital.

Most of this has been paved over, especially El Camino which litterally had all it's trees and pavers ripped up for a 6-lane expressway then a 12-lane freeway. Within a mile or so of Tesla's plant (formerly GM Fremont) is the original mission that served the area, and it's called Junipero Serra Blvd for a reason. Portola Camp is now one of the richest zip codes in the US, and Redwood City got it's start as a hispanic-majority lumber loading dock which was paved over with a Savers' in the 1950s. To the east the Lawrence-Livermore National Laboratory sits on what was some ranchero's spare pasture.

Mexico is just a retarded country that couldn't keep itself together and caused it's most valuable parts to join America. They can't have their own Silicon Valley because they gave up Silicon Valley to America over a century ago.

>3 business days
Goy I...

Silicon Valley was named that because that's where silicon in America was once manufactured. The modern silicon Valley is what people are discussing in this thread

I know but my point stands on both counts. Back when SV was still based around manufacturing it was literally a hispanic majority area where most of the employment was in slaughterhouses. Facebook's current headquarters is now in what was once a mexican majority area hemmed in by a freeway, a landfill, railroad sidings and a (now demolished) string of bars and strip clubs.

That's exactly why so many manufacturing companies moved there, land was cheap and nobody wanted to live there because everything smelled like shit (manure) and there were no stores besides liquor stores.


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Yeah so why being up the history of silicon valley? Manufacturing doesn't make a country wealthy.

because asking "where will the silicon valley of latin america be" is a stupid question when it already exists, but it's within the US. This is because mexicans are stupid and californian mexicans kikes

ditto for more up and coming areas like san diego

I thought Vale do Paraíba was it.
Since São José dos Campos and ccities around it has pretty much every single tech company, be Brazilian or foreign.

I wish


Santiago is the most technological capital of Latin America; the only capital of all latam in which there is a google data center and soon here will be installed the data center of amazon

(Buenos Aires es la segunda ciudad tecnologica de latam....los demás no existen figurativa y literalmente)





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Colombia will be Cyberpunk powerhouse by 2030.

By geopgraphic location alone I can't think of any other place besides Mexico or Colombia, maybe Panama too except for their small human capital pool due to small population. Mexico and Colombia have combined 4 universities among the top 10 in Latin America.

Brazil, too but it is too isolated and quite a closed market. There's a reason why Spotify, which has its operations here relocated dozens of Brazilians to work here for their portuguese operations before opening up shop in Sao Paulo as well

Definitely Santiago is above the rest in Latin America...
and also in technology

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"....Colombia have combined 4 universities among the top 10 in Latin America..."




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First come out of underdevelopment in national internal education, then try to overcome the Chilean universities in QS and The Higher, and then we talk

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I guess it refers to the PISA test, in which we come out mid-rank among latin American countries, above Brazil and Mexico and above Argentina outside Buenos Aires, which they measure separetly. ALso, what kind of source is that? Just checked the website, it's a sensationalist blog to rant about the government and promote the candidate who lost the elections. Pls stop embarrasing yourself, I don't know why you gut so butthurt from my comment, even your own source proves true what I said earlier


No, you're just used for your warm weather for labwork during the winter. Dumbass