I mog you all

I mog you all

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You are ugly stupid AW kys

Im a trap

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Tfw will never pass

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asian woman?

that doesnt mean that you cant kys

>that jaw
no shit


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post dick

>That underbite

Lmao back to the stoneage with you

Where do you see an underbite in OP's image you orthodontically illiterate spastic?

All the more reason to kys.


He means overbite, the poor loon.

Yeah, you definitely mog me. Fuck this life and fuck G*d.

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dropping in to your dying thread to tell you to kill yourself FAGGOT

I would kill myself if you actually jaw mogged me. It one of the few things that I like about my face. Now if only my nose wasn't hooked.
kys tranny retard


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>Realise most of my friends are actually attractive
>Realise I'm probably the ugly one of the group

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post a pic of your bum haha

Could tell from that jaw mate.

Op is a faggot

Sure has an underbite