Do people "eat ass" in your country? Is it just an american nigger thing?

Do people "eat ass" in your country? Is it just an american nigger thing?

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i eat ass and im in your country

I only eat pussy, I've been told I'm very good at it
sometimes I'll give the asshole a couple of licks too though

Nope, I only eat pussy

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Patata is our word for potato, which is also slang for butt so the majority of the country does.

Niggers tounge in my anus
Only a nigger thing
They developed a taste for ass eating because they couldn't get enough food in Africa and had survive on booty crumbs for days on end

i have never eaten ass

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I literally just ate my girlfriend's ass at like 5am after we all got back from the bar.


no thats cannibalism

Spoken like a true virgin.

Why? There are no sexual nerve endings in there

I only eat cock myself.

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Self gratification

because it's pleasurable? are you an incel or something

>I only eat cock myself.
>post girlballs

Eating ass (provided that it's smooth and clean) is really fun and feels great for the girl. There isn't as much there as a pussy so it forces you to get creative.

>tfw no devil to eat my feet

>putting your tongue where shit comes out
I don't understand what's appealing about this.

Curry muncher

who the fuck enjoys licking a literal shithole

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It's literally as pleasurable as licking her elbow

It's ok no-one's licking chile

I believe Filthy Franku was the one that made that meme popular years ago

I love to eat bois toned asses :3

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>as pleasurable as licking her elbow
t.has never fondled his anus with lube
it is absolutely not the same and you would know if you tried

Men have a prostate

Yes and honestly I don't even care that much if it's clean.

I had an Indian coworker that was obsessed with eating the asses of fat white girls
I miss that lil Pajeet like you wouldn't believe

I eat Asian girl asshole daily

I tongue punch. I guess it's not something you should do to non-Asian girls because they're nasty and carry slut diseases.

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>Why yes, I am an incel

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