Why the hell is most of Jow Forums full of non-virgins with romantic experience now? Did I outgrow this place...

Why the hell is most of Jow Forums full of non-virgins with romantic experience now? Did I outgrow this place? I'm still a virgin in my mid to late 20s.

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avatarfagging is a bannable offense.

because you keep avatarfagging

Because we starting browsing Jow Forums more than 10 years ago, grew up and found love.

This - and also the reason why OP is a virgin.

Anime is anime

Did you find love in Japan?

Yes. Well, actually she found me.

Why the hell did I get banned for posting a bit of smug pepes while this guy is full on avatarfagging and still not banned??

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How did she find you?

OP should have sex.

You avatarfag by posting under your flag.

forgot to cross out my IP address but who cares
It's not my house so it's not my responsibility if it get doxxed or anything

In 2015 I wanted to go to the first one man show of FALILV at Nippon Budokan (youtube.com/watch?v=2k55xXm0ido), so I made up my mind to go to Japan. I was going to spend a month in Tokyo and I was arranging my concert schedule. I thought I could meet someone to go to some of those concerts, I posted on Craigslist about my plans and someone sent me an email. This person wanted to talk about an argentine band (Sentencia Previa). I didn't know their name, genre, age, etc, we exchanged emails for a couple of weeks, always talking about music, and we ended up talking on Facebook. That's when I found out that the person I was talking to was a woman.
She did me a great favor of buying some tickets, I bought some souvenirs for her (including a CD and a pick of the argentine band she likes), blah, blah, blah, long story short. I went to Tokyo, we met, we spend time, we went for dinner, we went to concerts (Coldrain and SIM) together, by the end of my stay I fell in love with her.
More than 3 years later, 5 trips to Japan and 2 to Argentina, we are living together in Tokyo.

Don't worry I'm a legit virgin in his 30s

How do I have sex?

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How are you still a virgin in a country famous for sex tourism?

Ok? So why are you not banned yet?
You are clearly avatarfagging by posting with that flag too

Normalfags, a lot of normalfags. But they are not in the majority unlike the more popular boards. If somebody gets butthurt over anime double down on it and usually 2 or 3 more join in. Then you can look and enjoy all the pure seething from those normalfags.

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Manlet dicklet subhuman virgin incel brainlet shitskin nigget reporting in

That is not avatarfagging you newfag.

Also you have quite a lot of shills from all kinds of agencies, either they try to shill certain websites like tinder or they try to spread political opinions. Mostly leftwing. Just ignore them or post opposite of what they're posting. Making fun of the Holocaust makes them rage usually, so do that if you want to them to leave or just ignore them.

There are usually about 5-6 active Latvian posters on this board, and usually at least 3 post on any given day.

Why should I have sex with ugly whores?

Happy for you user.
Looks like you took advantage of your white man privileges.

I know that dumbass but I still got banned for "avatarfagging even though I did NOT at all

I hate to break it to you but most of the userbase here is 15 to 19 years old. I'm 30 so I should't be here either. But this habit is very hard to kill. As for the non virginity, I lost it at 28, so I guess that eventually most people do find someone after all.

Raconte ton histoire, user.

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you were probably reported by some eskimophobe, fren

No they are not, nice attempt at damage control though.

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Someone is clearly butthurt by something I did
Maybe it's that samefagging Dane who claims that I "avatarfag" by posting a bit of cute pepes from time to time lol

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The mods are massive cucks. Just type in so y normally and you will see.

If I had to place an average age for Jow Forums's userbase I would say something in the early 20s

No, I gotta agree with the french user.
I'm a lawyer, most of you are still in uni, from the looks of it.
Nothing wrong about that.

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Because I had an existential crisis at 23 over being khv and installed grindr and got my ass fucked a good bit now.

Hitler did nothing wrong!

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>Looks like you took advantage of your white man privileges.
No, I didn't. We were not looking for love; we met by sheer luck and we didn't feel anything romantic for each other when we met. Besides, I don't have any preference for east asian women, neither my wife. She doesn't have any preference for caucasian men. Her two ex boyfriends are japanese and my ex girlfriend is caucasian.

Normies took over the interwebs.

Yea but I mean you got people of all ages in Jow Forums. From 16 - 30 year olds that still study.

this is what I was thinking this whole year man. This place used to shit on newfags and distance itself from normies. I don't know why it's not the same anymore.

They can't all be ugly.

t. moortugese

There are still quite a few safe havens out there. Jow Forums is great to influence those retards. I've seen multiple of them actually turning into trannies, many of them get doxxed because they're careless some even become full blown terrorists who kill people. Its wonderful, really.

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I have no idea what your sentence means.

The blue boards' userbase might be a bit older, but older users are still a minority everywhere. Sure you'll even find a few 40 year old guys on Jow Forums and Jow Forums. They're still surrounded by kids. Most people eventually move on from this place.

Like I said, just check out stuff like shareblue. Since Jow Forums has become much more popular you got millions of facebook tier retards around here. Some are only here for porn, a lot of political organisations were created to shill their stuff, regular companies advertise all the time their stuff...
Hiro is only in for the money anyway.

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Well then, you've not been here for long then and should get back whence you camed.

I've been here for a decade and I don't take orders from G*rman schizos.