Latin american """"humor""""

>latin american """"humor""""

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Op are you gay ? Its funny

Post the whole thing chang


Their TV shows are just as contrived


she thicc

the cartoon was so great. I don't understand why there wasn't that many episodes.


the crossover ep with KND was kino as fuck too

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If this was a manga or anime, people would be pretending its funny.
>Why? yes of course, I prefer the video version

Attached: Gigachad.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

That was even less funny.

chen2 org/b/12314 .

wtf this is a thing

>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

Does it get Soyer than Jojo's, Undertale and One Punch Man?

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Me on pic related

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Buenos día, canadá

Attached: d.jpg (474x474, 24K)

i think they're based

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latins are funny

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> Peronista.

Stockholm syndrome at it's finest.


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Full comic in english

...this gave me a boner

I always thought the first panel was all there was to it

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why do you know this?

>He has never seen the grim adventures of the knd
What a sad childhood

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I dont answer Americans

why do you know this?

>French humor

Attached: 04_067.jpg (1024x1372, 276K)

Reminder that Gohan Blanco and Shaggy are latino memes. There is something wrong with people who speak spanish.

de hecho, los burgers usaron este meme hasta el cansancio

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here we go again

Jeg er utrolig skuffet

Kys amerimutt, the world dances when mutts like you die

This is both hilarious and bewildering. Why did the artist just go, "Yeah, these shitty squiggles get my pp hard. Publish it as a porn parody"?