/cum/ posters edition
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
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cum lol
its so weird to think that ill probably never have contact with my family ever again
you get used to it
watching 'our planet' with my nigga david
love that nigga
me in back
he's a good guy
for u
I know I did.
>move to USA from MX at 5 years
>miss the shit out of my friends and family, cry about it a bunch
>10 years pass, barely remember anything or anyone aside from those certain memories you can't get rid of
>suddenly, trip back to Mexico is announced
>meet everyone in a big family reunion for my grandma's 80th birthday
>I don't remember anyone.
It was kinda bittersweet having everyone remember you but you barely recognizing everyone. Felt like I just came out of a coma, but I'm pretty familiar with them now. Can't say I miss them a lot individually, but the feeling of having a tight-knit family is something I do yearn for.
take it back
>try to dump something in the toilet
>it splashes up and toilet water gets on me
Was just sexually assaulted
I see. Good to hear you're not that distressed about it now. You can still start you own family one day so not all is lost.
In my case my parents died and my extended family are all in other countries, and on top of that they don't like speaking with me anymore because they disapprove of my lifestyle. I used to be torn up about it but I eventually learned that their validation doesn't mean anything, despite their blood relation.
where's your family from?
One side is from Japan and the other is from Texas.
Hello Akihito Smith
kek I knew someone was going to make this kind of joke
based toilet
My ex was a Texan/Japanese hapa and I miss her :(
How do you go from this...
to THIS?
succumbing to the loneliness
Every time I use the toilet to shit I throw in some toiletpaper before, no splash
Going out with a Latina later
She said she’s a virgin and will only have sex with me if we’re in a committed relationship
Her family is also super religious and she keeps posting anti-LGBT stuff on snapchat
please nuke cuckholm
what a medal or something?
I realized I don't hate Mexicans, I only hate Chicanos and the short, smelly, and rude southern "Mexicans" that look like Central Americans.
>what a medal or something?
idk, but perhaps you should learn some English?
fuck off homo
Sorry, but I'm not homosexual, perhaps you mean yourself? Din värdelösa bög.
That’s what you get for being a filthy thotposter
>Din värdelösa bög.
learn english retard
mexicans are the greatest people in all of NA
by what metric
You might want to re-read what I typed
Lär dig ett skandinaviskt språk negerjävel :*)
mothers day is in about a week
friendly reminder
How literate is the US?
how gay is sweden
pretty fucking gay mate
answer the question please
Just saw a WMHF couple being formed
Unfortunately, the Southerners are the shame of Mexico (they are uneducated people and think they are better than everyone)
it's so weird to feel a smooth chin and upper lip
Wanna lick that girls pussy if you catch my drift
that thought makes me happy
>mexicans are the greatest people in all of NA
If I had a euro for every time an American tourist told me they were Italian I could buy the entire province of Lazio
Shut the fuck up you god damn wop gorilla
Italian Americans have accomplished more than real Italians
Yeah they walk around here like they own shit and are the toughest people on the planet. It's hard to take them seriously lol.
fuck off
no, the North is not white
many Northerners also immigrate to the US
Northerners are also short
stop hating your fellow mexican brothers
Italians are inferior to Romans because of the years of G*rmanic rule
I'm gonna go over to your city and your favorite café and talk to random people about how I'm 1/128th Italian and how I want to immigrate back to my "home country"
like what?
>I realized I don't hate Mexicans, I only hate Chicanos and the short, smelly, and rude southern "Mexicans" that look like Central Americans
I want to cum inside a Mexican woman and raise the resulting child
t.5'2 CHI
i'm 5'8
Didn't realize we had so many chicanos in this general kek.
You're really tall for a chicano.
Hello literal schizo
want to cum in user's booty
You can call me what you like, but you can't deny it's true.
exactly "haha" and it must be taken into account that they think they are super handsome and that all women are behind them. (Apart from the "indigenous" and poor, they also have mental retardation)
jesus christ my face is so smooth
do you use the same shaving cream on your balls when you shave down there?
>exactly "haha" and it must be taken into account that they think they are super handsome and that all women are behind them. (Apart from the "indigenous" and poor, they also have mental retardation)
in my experience, mexicans steal any chance they are given
>its another episode of "norteño thinks hes better than anyone else"
not a fan desu
its extremely weird and sad for me, even if i dont really like them that much
i am very bored
I never stole from non rich ppl
I will never do that
I like to shave my legs desu
i wish i had 850 pesos rn
Let me guess, you want another steam game?
I wish I has $10k ngl
stop it
I do not hate them, I only tell the truth, they think they are better than others when in fact they are not.
and it is quite rare that the northern person is of low stature and if it is, it is because his father or mother is from the "south"
porcierto my height is 6'2
whats your definition of rich?
no i want to buy a limited edition double lp of my favorite album
Can any Mexicans in this thread tell me what region rivals Guadalajara? Like is there any specific region of Mexico that really dislikes Guadalajara?
>I do not hate them, I only tell the truth, they think they are better than others when in fact they are not.
>and it is quite rare that the northern person is of low stature and if it is, it is because his father or mother is from the "south"
>porcierto my height is 6'2
regrésate a /lat/ n*rteño asqueroso
emmmm ok???
Sinaloa > CDMX > Jalisco > Baja california > the rest
Prove me wrong
I'm Southerner and i am nothing like you said
kys Mexican cuck
whites will never accept you just because you hate on your own ppl
to them you are still subhuman
Ramadan is on the same day as Cinco de Mayo
Respond please.
just pirate it???
I was robbed by a Mexican girl after a party once
She stole my cum, water from my shower, and food from my fridge
It looks like I hit a nerve with the ch*canos. All of the American hate against Mexico and Mexicans is because of ch*canos