Explain gypsies to me

Explain gypsies to me

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Hated for literally no reason

I think gypsies in america are different from the gypsies we have in europe

This. They’re gorgeous too.

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>Be nomadic people
>Live in a tribal system
>The society tolerated them
>Traditional jobs include horse breeding and trading, metallurgy and woodworking
>Industrialaition literally made those jobs useless
>Couldn't transition into the modern age
>Nobody cares to integrate them

niggers + indians = gypsy

I think everyone in Europe hates them because they beg and steal shit. They're not like your usual bum/beggar you see here.

They dont stay that way for very long though
Also shell lift your purse while you fuck

they are our niggers

>Nobody cares to integrate them
they dont even go to school here wtf when its mandatory they literally dont want to integrate and their only work is to sell stollen or counterfeit clothes and shoes in fairs

Crack addict bums from south, who steal and scam people

You mean them or you?

Low caste pajeets kicked out of India now causing shit in every country they go into.

Hilarious and original!

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>for literally no reason
I don't know how they behave in Europe but in here they're totally scum... they scam, they steal... they do all kind of shit, except for the legal ones.


+ SJWs start to victimize them more and more lately

Tatern were already hated hundreds of years ago and are still hated now.

Well that's their culture.

It's like when you create an 'bad karma' character in a RPG, except they are thought to be the bad social elements from their early childhood.

Based people who steal from naive idiots who give them money on the street.
>see them open wallet
>full of money
>gives me only 5€
>rob them and take all the money
If the gypsies fuck with you it's your own fault, they prey on the naive and weak.

A parallel society of generational criminals who've stooped to making their kids thiefs and drug dealers

She's hot

I saw them in Frankfurt once putting soap on people's car windows, and demanding money to wash it off. They were all disgusting looking women. Gypsies are scum

I thought Gypsies were Romanians...
