>Black men with British accent
Black men with British accent
You got man shoulders Betty.
Cope harder
>British women with Black accent
How about Indian men with a British accent?
>black men
How can I be black?
Is this the nigger thread?
black briton jafaican accent is gross
yeah I do n't get it either
why do american niggers speak like mongoloids?
I thought they all sounded like that because biology or something, but apparently not.
are you indian?
>tfw no bbc bf
Grug based. Grug know what Grug like. Grug appreciate whiggers.
>tfw no bbc
i guess you must be somalian or ethiopian
No, I’m Finnish. It’s right there on the flag.
Yeah but I'm what you'd call an NRI (Non Resident Indian) I've been living in the UK my whole life but I am like ethnically Indian if that is the correct term
The average french?
That doesn't prove anything. I know for a fact that the Finnish who post the Pikachu from detective Pikachu is actually a subhuman somalian
why are you complaining about having no bbc? of course a finn is not gonna have it
not surprised.
How about Jews with a Brooklyn accent?
Same here lad.
another gay thread.
>Burning coal
Fucking kill yourself
The nigger will do the job
Seething snownigger
What's wrong with having sex with Black men?
despite being
Because they don't exist. Only niggers exist
Black british londoner is its own accent and it's significantly more tolerable than any of the basketball american ones.
Crazy bitches
In the US it seems like every black person, no matter where they live, still exhibits a southern twang.
No you dont dumbass self hating fuck.
Reformulate your answers
Because ebonics is based on Southern accents
Reformulate your brain
Black men >>>> Brazilian monkey men
Both are monkeys though. And blacks don't exist, only niggers
This is better
So the average British slag then?
>white women like bbc
yes we know, fuck off already
bruh what the fuck is this webm? a nigga walking between cars trying to sell his mixtape or gatorade finna get the window rolled up on him but a guy sauntering around looking to get his dick sucked will be obliged?
one can only hope she was paid for this stunt and that it's a manifestation of late capitalism rather than the true nature of the white female
Based and sniffpilled
wtf is wrong with american women
what about this wealthy british heiress who married a convicted felon 8 years older than her?
power of bbc
Only acceptable one is Ainsley.
>not idris
>ywn go to lituania and use your accent to abuse young Lithuanian boy-girls