Will never be a true american

>will never be a true american

I hate being shitalian.

Attached: staten island.jpg (1400x540, 92K)

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filthy guido scum

why would someone want to be american?

i go to college you brown piece of inbred shit.

Enjoy your debt and useless degree

Italian-Americans are the only based americans though. Be proud of your italian heritage. Also do you have that typical accent or is that shit just exaggerated in movies?

whites in a place like nj are miles different than whites in minnesota.

i'm failing everything anyway nigger

italians aren't white and don't belong in america. I got bullied in the south for being italian. My father looks like a spic.

ammazzati obeso

They just speak in the accent of the state they are from. Italian-Americans from New Jersey are the closest to the stereotypical accent.

nobody cares.

Choke on odin's cum, icemonkey.

Nigger people don't have white gene spotting in their eyes. Tell me, are you literally white? As in just your skin, idgaf about the rest. If yes how does it even matter what people say about italians? Stop being such a pussy, people that say x "whites" are not white only exist on the internet. You'll most likely never meet them irl.

Sicilian genocide best day of my life

The whiter you are, the more american you are.

Italians can't be american. If you don't know if someone is white or not by looking at them, they're probably not white. My german uncle says I'm dark looking. (i have brown eyes)

Stop giving attention to the mentally ill american

most italian americans seem to be mentally unstable

why is that

most italian immigrants in the US were terroni, enough said

Most americans* and it has to do with your degenerate culture.

my life is over before it even started.

I'll never be american because i'm a mediterranean shitskin, and I'll never be italian because italians hate southerners. My mother says we're from "up north" by napoli. Just let me die.

>I hate being shitalian.

Attached: 1538644703595.png (1118x591, 243K)

>non è un CANE... non è un lupo... sa soltanto quello che non è

Attached: balto.jpg (1920x1080, 718K)

Your citizens were literally bombing and shooting each other almost to the point of a civil war not even 40 years ago you stupid wop

fuck off midwest inbred

La bestia terrona dall'altro mondo...

No they weren't, lying nigger.

I'm from New England you retarded flyover

Sicilian Americans have contributed enormously to American culture. Jazz Musicians, Artists, Athletes. Look at how successful they have been:


Sicilians deserve respect.

Yes they were you greasy terrone

i wouldn't call nyc flyover

one drop rule.

If an italian has kids with a swedish woman, the kids look italian. Same with niggers. Therefore, italians are niggers.

My fucking friend father's is puerto rican/greek and his mother is swedish and he came out with green eyes. I have brown ones.

>i wouldn't call nyc flyover
I would, NYC is a cesspit.

t. jealous sandnigger

Attached: staten island conservatives.png (750x562, 541K)

I know you wouldn't have the balls to call a Sicilian that to his face you fucking weeb twink.

>Calls me sandnigger when he's the one that lives in the 20% white city

Most Sicilians are inbred manlets so I wouldn't be too scared
Luckily they live far far away from me and I don't have to experience their stench

staten island is white and is often left out of new york city for that reason.

Why are Italians so violent? Is it their culture?

Attached: violentitalians.jpg (664x513, 65K)


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>Comparing niggers shooting each other in the ghetto with your own people trying to murder each other for political reasons
Damn I knew you Lombards were dumb, but wow...

>your own people trying to murder each other for political reasons
t. had one of the most famous civil wars of modern times

all americans are niggers

>comparing an event 150 years ago to one only 35 years ago

>my soy state (MA) has a higher homicide rate than almost all european countries

I'm not even Italian, faggot. I just live with them. Most of the Italian-Americans I've seen are blonde and have blue or greeb eyes, meaning they are from the north. I have only met one brown-looking Italy, and he is from the South. Pick up a book and read, you dumb uneducated nigger.

Speak for yourself flyover/Jew Yorker inbred

italian girl in my class.

Is she white?

I wish your mother dies in a car accident.

Attached: jiamna.png (418x525, 493K)

look at the top of her head




Most New Yorkers aren't white anyway.

New York C*ty does not represent the rest of the state, thank you very much.

J*w York is a cancer.


Attached: italians white323.png (2084x252, 130K)

You're not Italian kys fattie

>make a film about post-colonial Africa
>get executed by post-colonial Africans

>I don't have to experience
Every obsessed polentone ever

>Is she white?
Once I'm done with her yes

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Most Italians immigrants came from the south though

she's my girlfriend dipshit

t. spic

you don't get to have an opinion

Attached: delete or consequences.jpg (778x581, 56K)

Not an opinion, FACT

lmao stfu, you're from the south and yet claim that "italians aren't white"
come to the north, terrone

i'm from nyc actually nigger and i'm not going to your shithole muslim country

sure faggot, we're still whiter than you