>The French tend to be linient about crimes of passion. When it is deemed that a normal person was driven by extreme emotion to commit murder, the penalty is less harsh.
Do the French really do this?
Bump again.
French justice is probably the worst in the world
That's pretty normal, if you kill your wife because she fucked the neighbor you aren't as likely to kill someone else as a random psychopath is, so it doesn't make sense to put you in prison for the same amount of time. I thought this was the case everywhere.
Based and reasonablepilled
Why are the French so rational?
It's not the case here.
If you hate France so much why don't you move?
We are communicating directly with the spirit of Descartes
What the fuck ? I fucking love france
A pedo in france is like 5 years in jail, so yes our justice is fucked up
We have this too because a jury would probably be more sympathetic to a crime of passion, resulting in a lighter sentence
But you're always complaining about France.
Since when? I thought our justice system was infamously harsh.
French like to complaigns
And I complaign about this country because I am an insecure mutt manlet shitskin, If I were a Chad I would not.
But the fact that mt country is becoming a third world shithole is not pleasant too
In the Netherlands this doesn't exist in formal law, but case law does support lower penalties for crimes of passion.
Try Japan, dumb mutt. It has conviction rates of over 90%. If your case is brought before a judge, you're almost guaranteed going to prison.
Isnt that called a second or third degree murder in US
You're the portuguese spy. Your opinion on France is of no value.
I am not moortuguese, I am french fuck off
sure thing barbosa, don't you have work to do? the cathedral isn't going to build itself you know...
You can fuck off shitskin
ah, yes the dirty nails and poorman's flooring of a construction worker
chop chop you only have 5 years to build all that. you know you can't come back until you've bought that bmw
Why would I go to Portugal ? Its ugly and dirty. And BMW is negro tier, I like japanese car better
you wouldn't come to to Portugal, you'd go to france to build the houses of french people, barbosa.
I know bmw is your tier, don't be bullied by the weaboos here, you know you want that bmw
how was it when the Portuguese beat France? did you partake in the celebrations or did you have to bash a few french emasculated bois first?
Wow, it's just like my books.
I wouldn't know.
There is no justice here. Here if you defend yourself you go to jail. Some guy trying to stab you in the street and you break his arm ? "Disproportionate use of force", you go to jail, he walks free. A lot of violent criminals just get a few years behind the bars because of "good behavior" while in prison. We need to purge the justice system.
Me neither