Canelo Alvarez vs. Daniel Jacobs
good edish though
The media barrage against Carl Benjamin is so transparent and pathetic
>Dieu et mon droit
Oh non non non
Touit à fait
Bizarre single linking deleting freak
who cares
remember when that guy on cnn said the story about trump colluding was "a big nothing burger"
loling thinking about it
wtf is this
>How Indyref COULD have been
If you vote Labour you're not white
reminder to buy local
if you say stupid shit on the internet, you will be called out on it. Getting upset and calling it a conspiracy is whats pathetic.
the milton keynes gf
Reminder to fight against the Union
save the environment
dumb self-admitting crossposter
soros has a one way ticket to hell
Salmond looking quite chad in a less gimped out body/head
Equality is the worst paradigm ever
Imagine being an ACTUAL human adult running for ACTUAL elected office while ACTUALLY using 'cuck' as an insult while ACTUALLY raising another man's child.
simply scromiting.
imagine using a vpn to pretend you're russian
regression to the mean
i am supporting the ginger castizo because hes more white
The yank horserace is starting lads.
In America the subways sell pizza, never see anybody get one so I didn't bother although I do wonder what they are like.
basing your politics on equality and egalitarianism makes you not white and a soyboy.
Getting some new furniture soon lads
i support the castizo because he looks more white...
didnt ask
>The European Union
>The Socialist Union of the British Isles
i support not the black but the ginger spic because he looks more white.
I dont support the niggerspic because of his blackness but support th dumb mexitard americndand because hes looking more whtie aztec and spanish
Free speech is violence
Hi Carl, I'm British and not pretending to be otherwise. I'm very sorry you picked UKIP right as it tanked beyond saving, but try to channel that negativity into positive campaigning yeah?
ever had a $1 slice pizza? same ting
i support poo poo poo wank poo nigger poo
Did not inquire
On a house party posting on /brit/ ;(
his name is a latinized irish name
*Runs for office*
*First public speech*
in your youth (long time ago for some of you) were you ever a "SJW" as the Americans say?
I remember after some Islamic terrorist attack me ma said something about immigration and I screamed at her because how much mrs teacher had indoctrinated me. Literally made her cry
Wish I could meet my former self to beat him up.
Post pictures at least
Leftypol having a seizure
No, I know you're using a proxy. Two reasons, to be exact. The first reason is, you're the poster that spent about a month asking /brit/ if you NordVPN was better than ExpressVPN. We all told you to get NordVPN, and in the next thread you came on with a proxy, a russian flag, saying thanks for the advice. You have been here since.
Second, your diction and way of speaking can only truly be used by a Native British English speaker, and not some euro/international english. We aren't retards mate.
*frozen pizza from tesco
Oh do me! Do me! Do me!
just applied for a house on the housing register wahey get the bevvies in kid
they're genuinely disgusting
worst pizza i've ever had
BAD, micowave pizza tier
sandwich and cheesy bread is a safe bet
Upcoming pizza ideas:
>Toast pizza
>Salt and vinegar crisps and chips pizza
only thing i eat these days are chicken caesar wrap from tesco express and monster energy drink (its part of the £3 meal deal but they never tell you)
Wars have been started over less
some penises are biologically female
remember when dave said all cars should be banned in cities? absolute mental case that lad is
It is the worlds most beloved food
t. pizzayank
Drunk as kin ell
normies making out w/ eachouther while i post on brit .
How am I 'pretending to be Russian' if I say I'm British you mentalcase? The issue is whether or not I'm actually in Russia, and if you're so new that you weren't around when schitzo was asking me to prove it and I uploaded a bunch of timestamps and photos out of the window etc then it seems like your problem and not mine eh? And then there's also the issue that it's all irrelevant , and you're just an angry chappy because I was mean about Sargoy.
don't care
I have food idea...imagine an unsliced bun that is hollowed out with a small removable can add loose meat(sloppy joes) or whatever ingredients without making a mess
imagine the smell
Love it when the kitchen staff paws through my bread with their fingernails
sex and gender are the same thing
Don't be so negative it could be done hygienically of course like subway sandwich artist with their disposable gloves
You can put the top back on, that's the beauty of it
it's saturday night rorke
Why the fuck do women love fags so much
fuck cars
what? why don't they tell you?
pic related
Unfortunately hooked up with a pajeet last night, reflecting on the consequences of my actions.
because Monster energy company would probably catch on
So it would be like filling, but enclosed by bread? And you'd hold the bread and eat?
was she sensual and into it?
gagging for some tangfastics
and salt and vinegar crisps and or pringles
and a line of coke
i support the ginger mexican because he looks more white
Snow Hill Station, Birmingham 1969 ~ 2014
Because they know they can have a male friend that isn’t gonna end up crushing on them eventually
I want to know why women love gay men so much
It’s weird
exactly, I think I have invented a new Sandwich
have gender
Ambiguous post. Non-threatening males or nihilism. Pick the applicable one.
I don't see what the problem with the right is
me? what do I think?
I think italy needs to pay reparations for roman oppression
i want to cry
solid question, men have no desire to hang around butch broads so why do fems love fags so much?
Bitta both me thinks, probably down to the lack of morality in the female brain
2019 is the worst timeline
Well how do you do young Willy Mc Bride
Do you mind if I sit here down by your graveside
And rest for a while in the warm summer sun
I've been walking all day and I'm nearly done