tfw no ancient greek gf
Tfw no ancient greek gf
She looks like she fucks Turkish guys
my ancestor :)
They were white
She's hot
fuck off nigger i really hope you die of cancer
id rather be hot than white tbqhwy senpai
Why does the truth make you seethe?
Meds have been blacked 100 times since the ancient times.
>tfw no modern Greek gf
life is suffering.
Thats nice if you like her, I'm not mad just saying there are more imporant things to worry about than if you are white or not
Just like I'm sure you're 98% Italian, lol.
Eyyy Im walkin ere!
I wish you get beaten up so hard, that your mother would require your ID card to identify you.
t. 110 pound queer
fuck you
Wouldn't touch 'em with a ten foot pole
110 pounds is like 50 kg in mutt measyre
This sounds like something Jow Forums would type, print, screenshot and then upload. Best case scenario is ancient shitposting.
What did I miss?
A fatass retard pretending to be Italian
Did the mutt post his face?
She looks ottoman
Mediteranian people were never pale and cum skinned with farehair asshole
Go shove your mein kumf in your anus
The ending had me in stitches, but what the fuck did I just read...
OP who is this?