which countries can offer me a bf like pic related?
Which countries can offer me a bf like pic related?
America, unironically
Only the back to back world war champs
>back to back world war champs
what is that?
which part of the US, are you still trying your best?
Perhaps you can find one in southern Brazil
hes talking about italy
Booty shorts
That looks like an American
nice, tfw no burger bf :DD
in floraniopolis or something like that?
USA did nothing in ww1
>that Aztec poncho in the background
We did nothing and still looked good while doing it.
>t. Japan in corner
usa, the built gays are really popular now though so you have to be sexy
which part of the US?
any, moreso in the south but the west, too.
who is that
My boyfriend
you don't have a bf
Wow, rude
yes he does
Yeah. Santa Catarina has a large Germanic population. Rio Grande do Sul too.
Me on the left, Chile on the right.
You don't have a bf.
>The 1918 Spring Offensive, or Kaiserschlacht ("Kaiser's Battle"), also known as the Ludendorff Offensive, was a series of German attacks along the Western Front during the First World War, beginning on 21 March 1918, which marked the deepest advances by either side since 1914. The Germans had realised that their only remaining chance of victory was to defeat the Allies before the overwhelming human and matériel resources of the United States could be fully deployed.
>By July, the German superiority of numbers on the Western Front had sunk to 207 divisions to 203 Allied, a negligible lead which would be reversed as more American troops arrived.
COPE. They surrendered because of us.
USA probably
He looks like me if I went to the gym for two months.