1. your cunt
2. from where do you want your bf/gf to be? that if you don't want one obviously
>i wish i had a european bf 2bh
1. your cunt
2. from where do you want your bf/gf to be? that if you don't want one obviously
>i wish i had a european bf 2bh
I want a white bf that beats the shit out of me in front of everyone
sounds pretty messed up
as long as it's innocently them i'm okay with it i guess
1. Flag
2. I'm not sure, Eesti maybe? :3
aawww, how's it going with that relationship? c:
everything good?
Don’t want actually want a bf rn but if I did it’d be pretty much any country with tan skin, dark/black hair
What relationship? :O
>Burgerland or Russia
Why here? I don't think we are known for our quality of women.
2. Bf nearby
I dont think I could do ldr in my mental state
>México or Brazil
1. monaco
2. japan or taiwan
either Latvia Estonia or Finland.
sorry :/
Procreate with other argie
All memes aside:
A Finish gf.
Why a finnish gf?
1. Flag
2. Preferably American or Brit gf. Although it'll never happen because I'm an autistic shut in.
wow unironically Monaco
I want a Mediterranean goddess. Very close to getting one or embarrassing myself
this is not even a gay thread wtf are you doing here
I was at the world scout Jamboree in Sweden when i was around 16. That's an annual camp where around 40.000 scouts from around the world take part. It is age restricted, so most scouts were 16 years old, i.e. in full bloom. Having this direct comparison between girls from different countries, i found the Finish girls the most attractive. Since then, i am convinced Finish girls generally tend to be attractive. I rarely met anyone from Finland after that.
bugger off poofters
1. USA
2. A brown qt from latinx america
I want a finnish gf that makes me mämmi
Russia, Poland, Ukraine, etc
Just make sure she's not from Spain
I want a Thai (((girl)))friend
obsessed virgin freak
have sex faggot
Seething tranny
I need a bf/gf from Monaco. Now.
1. CHI
2. Rural white american bf
>obsessed virgin freak shows up to sperg out at boogeymen in almost every thread
1. romania
2. middl east
asian "men
I want a cute Pakistani gf
Sounds nice, user. :)
I wish
It was, but it also cost me fucking 1200€ for two weeks because the price is calculated by the national GDP of the participant's country to make it possible for kids from third world countries to attend.
1. Ingerland
2. Poland, gf. Have one alrdy
small French boy who has a good amount of knowledge in many ways and speaks EXTREMELY cute Japanese
I want a European bf with beard, kinda rugged looking
2.slavic bf pls
my flag
cute greek or cute lebanese bf
Why? Are they turbo thots?
>spanish, Italian o latina
>Argie, Italian or Japanese
good taste
I want an English wife
>qt syrian gf or qt rich gulf arab gf
I dunno tbqh, I have pretty broad tastes so i'm really open for anyone but I guess a Japanese or Polish girl would be preferred.