the British parliament looks like a dump compared to the us congress
why is this the case?
the British parliament looks like a dump compared to the us congress
why is this the case?
us congress room
I can't take the EEUU congress seriously, to me it's just like a movie set
Mainly due to Congress being owned by oil and pharma companies so they have a nice decor budget.
that room existed for over 100 years before the first motion picture film ever came out
House of Commons = House of Peasants
wow 100 years that's like a very old person
Even ours looks way nicer than this
ah sed OHDUH!
Do you mean this? Nigger please.
our country has only been around 235 years user.
Its probably older than the US itself.
Now post the house of lords
Because a place that is built to discuss the common people shouldnt be decadent
it had to be rebuilt because it was hit by a bomb during WW2 actually
used to look fancier
Comfy and Historic
Cringe and forced use of symbols
I like it
Being simplistic makes it even more classy
It kindof reminds me of the stories I read about Gaius Marius and how he'd go to lavish courts of Eastern despots and still leave the impression on them by looking dignified as fuck in a simple white Roman toga
I guess when you have power, you can let it speak for itself and you don't need any fancy shit to emphasize it
But it should at least look pretty cool, I think.
it's not much but at least it doesn't look like a train station waiting room from the 70s
>before the first motion picture film ever came out
Reading comprehension, fucking retard.
It looks fine, also close quarters, semi-casual decor and opposing benches gives for good banter and visceral argument between mps
Like I care, faggot
imagine the smell
Looks comfy.
I don't think anything can top our parliament when it comes to being shit.
You don’t have the capacity to care anyway, brainlet.
Ours looks like a classroom.
it looks like a minecraft room
Now type it without crying.
>a fucking chicken
If your Parliament/Congress building doesn't have it's seats facing towards the opposition it's a meme building.
omg LMAO
I love the UK parliament, much preferable to our cringe neoclassicism
Yeah, I like the room.
you're a fucking retard, it ain't neoclassicism if it was made in that fucking era
Fuck off you twink faggot, neocolonial/neoclassic architecture is based.