
Edition: the Saturday night shag

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ching chong

woah thats a bulge

is that israel?
if yes - what are you going to do now that you're barred from entering most muzz countries?

'member when you could just run up to a mate and smack him in the face, but it was ok if you said 'you've been Tango'd'

sucks how difficult it is to become a single dad if that's your goal (it's mine)


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look like the lad off dunkirk me

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How do i gunfinger, lads.. Am i doing it right?

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jew land?
been there done that bought the tshirts

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There are 5 drunks in my living room right now and they're an absolute MELT. Hate alcohol.

Will be classifying that in the 'films women can't understand' category. Along with Master and Commander.

mums an alcoholic, but the middle class accepted kind where she drinks 2 glasses of red while cooking dinner and ends up swaying her head around all night and stumbling up the stairs.

1 mile to get more booze. Walk it or quick drive in the Durango

is she hot lad?

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just did a massive poo and it was almost all undigested kale

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grimmest place in britain?

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no way. decades of drink, smoke, and bong genes have ruined her. she looks like she's melting. once my friends in school made fun of me because she was so ugly. sad to think about.

quality post

don't think you have walked a mile in your life lad



Tower Hamlets or Newham

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id say blackpool
but the fact ive been there makes me feel its obvs better than other places


my mom drinks about 8 cans of coors light 24/7/365. talking to her is pointless after 8:30 because she slurs her words and won't remember it anyway. she stumbles and wall grabs her way to bed by 9:30, wakes up at 6, and works 8 hours just to come home and do it all again. i wish i could help her but she's incredibly sensitive and takes criticism like a punch in the face. i'm afraid she won't live long enough to see experience her grandchildren, my future kids


Keighley, or Golder's Green

yeah i know how you feel. i don't like talking to mum when she's hammered either. she just seems pathetic.

had a gf in high school who was a qt, smart, kind, conservative. but i fucked it up because i was an immature retard
then i recently found out she had cystic fibrosis and is infertile as a result
guess i dodged a bullet laddos



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best driving grand turismo road in britain?
for me imo cheddar gorge

Which of you weirdos is this?

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Then dont have kids. Problem solved

im the weirdo who made the thread


When a mini-dwarf rich kid from Nashville like Harmony Korine flies first class and moves to New York City’s Soho in his ‘plush safe’ apartment, running around town quoting Godard with lines like, "Fuck the bourgeois", it’s insincere, it’s calculated, it’s unoriginal, and it’s the worst thing in the world, ‘trendy’. He already knows that he and his boring girlfriend Connecticut Chloe Sevigny are going to be on the cover of ‘The Face’. He knows he’ll get his run at The Angelica and be hip in Japan. But no one will ever make an important film because they saw ‘Gummo’ or ‘Donkey Boy’.


that's a man

These two things are not alike.

keep up yanks.

How not? Both have lovely arses.

What's sent you off on one Em' lad?

The only impact Harmony Korine will have will be on the lives of the girls he slipped drugs to, got stoned and raped while they were passed out. An autobiographical scenario he chose to include in his average screenplay ‘Kids.'

why did you delete it mate

Thought of that because he called Herzog a talentless hack

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anyone remember the cuquio meme

Scotland will be a world superpower

Sorry about that, lad. Here you go.

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Reckon I could talk myself into pulling a proper passable 0.0001% tranny (not like the ones you share) but can't imagine I could go through with shagging a biological man no matter how they look. How do you do it lad? How do you stay hard when they speak?

sharp pains in my left bollock de lads

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writing a semi-autobiographical novella about a misunderstood and oddly attractive young man from the suburbs who struggles to talk to women because his older brother used to beat him up

neat image desu

>How do you do it lad? How do you stay hard when they speak?
Because I'm not a fucking bender. "Ewww" this, "ewww" that, "that's gross!" Fucking hell, if I'm horny, I'm going to shag.

CANNOT wait to watch are Tyse fight the 4th best heavyweight in Germany instead of bashing that wog or taking on AJ.

what are you doing in russia lad?

Peng day lads

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is that tent a homeless person's abode?

Admirable. I've hung out with some trannies and they scrub up ok with enough clown paint, but when they try talk like a girl I literally wanted to kill myself out of second hand embarassment. I respect your constitution.

i love you britons

are you pretending to be retarded? they have dicks
you are gay

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remember when they executed saddam for mastermining 911

dicks? not gay
balls? not gay
asshole? NOT gay
kissing? gay

don't understand trans people. simple as. just don't know enough about it to understand it.

Thanks, lad.

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ue bella fra come stai! tu che ci fai qui in /brit/?

coping faggot lmao

nothing gay about enjoying gangbang porno

My fate has not cheated me of everything

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Wish I didn't have the social intelligence of a dead weasel.

I'd suck her dick so fucking good

i believe it is... time

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the gf just texted me lads
ugh i'm gonna have to get this girl pregnant and marry her

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Why are competitive videogamers so smelly?

I learned all my British slang from fucking Gorillaz interviews. Does /brit/ like Gorillaz?

unironically got a england shirt on

Have you tried faking it til you make it

can't stop pooing

keep up the good work lad

Yo Em, how come you're normal recently? The NZ happening got you on best behaviour, or you turned a corner?

Just be yourself, bro.

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Why can't brits actually show love for yanks without all the snarkiness and defiance?

Guys how do you stop the hiccups?

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I quit booze

Top yourself.

Please come to Britain and fuck our women

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It hurts their pride too much. Just know that deep down they love us

burn paris burn

Hold breath and squueze nose