/TEA/: we discuss tea here get in bros

/TEA/: we discuss tea here get in bros

Attached: chinese-yixing-purple-clay-chinese-tea-set.jpg (1000x1002, 158K)

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I am just brewing the tea

Also i am brewing a tea
Making some iced peach tea for later and hot Indian milk tea for morning

tea is for faggots

kill yourself coffefag

Made a big pot of homemade chai earlier today, it's so good.

Switched to ice tea lads
Since It's summer here and the average temperature is 42℃

Also what tea are y'all drinking ?

I prefer Darjeeling

Im drinking Darjeeling rn
I drink a lot of indian teas as well as tons of green tea all through the day
Oolong tea i drink but usually the plastic bottles you buy from the store since im a pleb

I've been trying new teas, I quite like cream of earl grey but I was not impressed with rooibos, might have just been the inexpensive brand I bought but it was entirely underwhelming.

I drinking tea at 11 pm, I have the flu

My favourite is earl grey. Do you like your tea with sugar or honey?

who /milk/ here?

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Assam here

east frisian tea culture is unesco world heritage


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what kind of herbs should i buy? im currently buying just cheap tea bags

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Earl grey is my favourite too, in the morning I take it with a little bit of milk and sugar, the rest of the day I usually just take it black.

Good thread, bro. I'm currently preparing a cup.

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Why don't you use a kettle?

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I always have milk in my black tea.

Check out this guy in Mauritania making North African mint green tea in a moving car,

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Microwave is the healthiest way, user.

How does a tea with milk taste? I want to try it, but I’m too afraid of screwing it up, as I’ve read that milk has to be warmed up.

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The milk doesn't have to be warmed. Just brew your tea like normal then add the cold milk, it makes it a drinkable temperature almost right away.


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It tastes good in black teas
You can either heat the milk up or use can milk. To heat it up just put some boiling water in the cup beforehand, let it sit for a few seconds, then dump it and add the milk. The hot cup will warm the milk sufficiently.

what herbs should i try

anda a una dietetica y pregunta ahi, aca te va a salir cada uno, mas los indios

Very nice!

Please drink our tea!