What is this and what does it mean to have it?
What is this and what does it mean to have it?
2 much fortnite I have the same
Aren't those just tendons? It means that you have the ability to move your fingers.
it means you are superior to "people" who don't have it
this means you're skinny
Means you're not a subhuman.
sever them and you will understand
palmaris longus muscle
vestigial structure that doesnt have much use but is there because our ancestors had it
some people have it some people dont
any other skeleton fags here play with their tendons like a banjo string?
some "humans" don't have it
it is one of the well-known proofs of evolution
>Most standard textbooks of hand surgery quote the prevalence of absence of palmaris longus at around 15%. However, this figure varies considerably in reports from different ethnic groups. We studied 329 Chinese men and women and found palmaris longus to be absent unilaterally in 3.3%, and bilaterally in 1.2%, with an overall prevalence of absence of 4.6%. There was no significant difference in its absence with regard to the body side or the sex. Our literature review revealed a low prevalence of absence in Asian, Black and Native American populations and a much higher prevalence of absence in Caucasian populations.
If you have that muscle, you aren't white.
same here
I thinks its some thing we have from our ancestors swinging on trees
its literally just how much forearm fat you have. i have visible tendons, but got some mosquito bites on my wrist that swelled a lot. after it swelled, you couldn't see my tendons any more.
tendons idiot
it means you aren't some fat pudgy spic, that you are actually slender and white
I think it’s the shit that connects your fingers to their respective muscles. Kinda weird that finger muscles are located in the middle of the forearm.
thank god i have it then
>let me tell you who is white
why do americans do this?
is that hayley?
no it isn't weird, it gives you fingers leverage. Muscle also has a much longer distance to contract, giving your fingers far greater range of motion
t. triggered musclenigger
Can't argue with science
>Ethnically, there was no difference between white (non-Hispanic) and white (Hispanic) patients, with prevalence of 14.9% and 13.1%, respectively. However, African American (4.5%) and Asian (2.9%) patients had significantly fewer absences of the PL than the Caucasian, Hispanic reference group ( and , resp.). African Americans and Asians have a decreased prevalence of an absent PL. The Caucasian population has a relatively greater prevalence of an absence of the PL.
I have this
>these tabs
>t. deevolved subhuman
Now that you mention it. I have both, but one (the other one not in OP pic) shows more.
Strong tendons from typing and clicking too much. It doesn't mean a thing. Same with the mouse callus.
I'm losing the callus, i haven't used my desktop PC in some time since the graphics card is getting fucked.
I have them, I am Chinese.
I wonder whether or not it's detrimental to having higher risk for Carpal tunnel syndrom and RSI...
wtf i only have one of these
one of mine is very visible, the other one is there but not pronounced until i flex/move hand.it's weird, the right one is big and always there and the other is baby and dances
Why is your thumb so huge compared to the rest of your hand
I have it and i have a bmi of 32