>be monolinguist
Be monolinguist
most of korean are pretty much monolingual but have high iq
Name genius figure who only new one language. Protip: you can't.
There’s literally no reason to know any other language besides english.
Practicality isn't why you learn languages though
>he had to learn English because no one else speaks Greek
But how will I read Italian poetry otherwise
Fucking brainlet. In Canada for example, many employers and private and the government require you to know French as a second language.
By not being gay.
All straightoids can read Italian?
yeah sure Vladio
Yeah that's because the Quebecers cucked you.
They arrived in Canada first. It was the anglos who cucked them by making English the main language.
PM is Québécois.
Checkmate atheist.
>arrived in Canada first
Yet you’re not speaking any number of indigenous languages.
>people spoke two languages at me since I was born and all the signs in my country are in both these languages so picking both up as a baby means I'm smarter than others that weren't born with this opportunity
vae victus
speaking your native language and english only should be worse than monolingual
why? let me tell you why, you probably use english enough to forget vocabulary in your native language and didn't even try to learn english
Yet the french lost and their descendants voted down measures for independence. Face it, you’re just a cuck.
How does this even make sense you retarded American
1. I'm barely French
2. The vote for Quebec independence was rigged
3. Quebec still has a good portion of it's culture left
4. I acknowledge that a lot of the frogs are cucks
Canada? Based. Ok
I've read stories like that all the time here on Jow Forums
ESL tards like yourself start thinking in English instead of your native language and lose a grip on it
Who said Koreans have high IQs? And actually white people are smarter in many ways.
>2. The vote for Quebec independence was rigged
>3. Quebec still has a good portion of it's culture left
Massive fucking cope. You’re a vassal of the english speaking world and nothing else. Knowing a few words in some faggy frog language won’t change that.
There's no reason to learn any skill other than getting food, surviving the winter and hitting rocks together for entertainment according to this brainlet logic
S. Korea has the world's second highest average IQ at 106
>Massive fucking cope
Lmao retarded American
>You’re a vassal of the english speaking world and nothing else. Knowing a few words in some faggy frog language won’t change that
95% of Quebec's population speaks French and 81% of people living in Quebec had French as their first language.
Quebec population: 8.39 million
Ohio population: 11.69 million
Face it, bro. Your shithole wannabe frog enclave is irrelevant.
Population size is irrelevant. The fact still remains that Quebec has been able to largely keep it's culture besides Montreal.
>Your shithole wannabe frog enclave is irrelevant.
I'm assuming you chose the irrelevant state of Ohio because you live there.
Virtually all entertainment is available to you in english. Unless you’re autistic or pretentious enough to learn japanese or greek just to read some faggot manga shit or a parable about buttsex with little boys.
Ohio is rightful Québécois clay
>Population size is irrelevant.
Continue living in your fantasy world. Ohio even has a higher fucking GDP than you.
Dios Mio. No way. Only North Eastern USA is.
Quebec consists of Canada total GDP. Keep living in your fantasy world, ameritard.
Jesus christ no wonder why people make fun of Americans
Why did you guys stay loyal to the fucking crown? You guys were meant to join the US, it's even in the Articles of Confederation to allow you guys to join.
You belong with us. No more brother fighting.
>Quebec consists of Canada total GDP.
Wow, I guess you aren’t really multilingual considering what you just said makes no sense.
>Why did you guys stay loyal to the fucking crown?
Quebec is the only province that doesn't have some Anglo symbol on the flag. Secondly, if Quebec joined the USA it would be a Spanish speaking state by now.
>You belong with us. No more brother fighting.
God no.
Quebec consists of 20% of Canada's total GDP. I made a mistake.
Imagine being this angry at your own inadequacies but doing nothing about it at the same time
He says in english.
Because it's the only language your tiny american brain can understand.
Or it’s because it’s the only way you can communicate with anyone else on this board and any other board outside of a single autistic general.
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