LARP as a reactionary on the internet

>LARP as a reactionary on the internet
>actually vote straight Democrat

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>larp as a fascist terroni-hating polentone online
>actually a terrone who voted m5s for gibs

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I don't vote and have never voted

We're reaching levels of based that shouldn't be possible

>LARP as whatever I think will get the most (you)
>Actually vote for a mix of Democrat, Republican and BLANK depending on whatever I feel like at that moment

>Larp as a neo-con on Jow Forums and YouTube
>only ever voted for NDP

>larp commie to trigger anti-sjw's
>actually vote right-wing

Same, but in my case because my district is overwhelmingly Liberal and voting would be pointless.

>larp as a fascist communist anarcho-capitalist jihadist pedophile feminist incel genocidal nigger on the internet
>actually a weeb

absolutely cringe.

I voted BLANK for Presidential Election 2016 and Hilary Clinton lost my state (Michigan) by fewer votes than there was BLANK votes.

It feels so so good when that happens. I really hope I get to feel that feel again one more time. Sorry toots should have worked harder for my vote

>ever voting for cons or libs

>LARP as a Chinese 5th column and constantly mock America as a falling superpower
>Scared shitless of China's encroachment in our territories and of illegal Chinese immigrants

>wanting a democratic Socialist Muslim as prime minister

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>why yes, liberals do, in fact, get the bullet too, how could you tell?

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I’m not voting ever again my dude but cons and libs are scummery.

>LARP as a nationalist pro-Trumper
>Voted for Hilary and cried with my sister when she lost

you're probably no good at it

>live off government gibs
>vote libertarian

i hope you didnt vote for her in the primaries however

lmaooo my sister is a Hill shill I was secretly thrilled when she lost because lol
Also Clinton was a bigger nationalist than Trump was

>LARP as monarchist constitutionalist nationalist on 4channel
>never actually vote and just get in car accident at the nearest polling location to deter/block people from voting

>LARP as alt right on left-leaning websites
>LARP as sjw on right-leaning websites

This, NDP are crap but libs and cons are worse

>do this everywhere for the sweet (You)s
>actually don't care that much about politics and quietly wish it was discussed less like it was as recently as 2014

Literally me

Fukkin BASED and (you) pilled

Nobody would vote Dem if not for the promise of welfarebuxxx prove me wrong (you cant)

there is literally no reason to vote republican unless you are rich prove me wrong (you) cant

muh guns
muh abortion

your move

Liberals don't give a shit about this stuff. And the welfare queen liberal is a meme. People vote democrat cause they hate "republicans"

>muh guns
>muh abortion
i dont understand, each of these issues is supported by a different party, do you mean "muh gun control and muh abortion"? in which case:
>muh wall
>muh tax cuts

you forgot about somewhat being more strict on immigration

Liberals pretend to care about welfarebuxx
Just like conservatives pretend to care about abortion.

IN reality nobody gives a fuck other than keeping their money flowing and staying in power. Bernie Sanders (technically an independent but running as a Democrat for purposes of keeping the anti-third party tards from throwing a fit) might be the exception to the rule but stay tuned on that one

watch the DNC prop up Biden and lose again in 2020

No I meant muh guns (to stop gun control) and muh abortion (to stop abortion) as being argument for voting Republican. Nobody is really pro-abortion though I have seem people who really are anti-gun


god i hate c*Ntrists
>hurr lets do nothing but with a blue guy who is nice instead of a red guy who is mean

Probably some people would, idk. Both parties get close to 50% of the vote in every election; I don't think there are that many people on welfare. That's why I vote for them though; no way I'd vote for someone who might try to cut my NEETbux

how do you get NEETbux in the USA?

establishment Dems are a fucking plague

Only reason why Trump won in 2016 in spite of both parties and the media hating him was because he talked a big game.
Now that he has proven himself to be more twitter shitposting than action, I think Dems could run a potted plant (or hell, even Hilary) and win. But who knows I guess they thought the same thing in 2016.

But yeah DNC is definitely trying hard to push business as usual with Biden.

Lots of Americans are on SSI. Its even enough to live on if you are flyover (if you are a costie though you are lucky if it gets you a decent parking spot)

They're the last gasp of the "liberal Republicans" at this point.

could hillary have hindered china's influence from spreading?


liberal republicans, at least those from the 50s when they used to have actual influence, would've been closer to sanders than clinton or biden

I mean, polls put Hillary at a 99% chance of winning before election night on 2016. Nothing is guaranteed until the votes are counted

I can easily see Trump winning in 2020, I think a lot of people underestimate how loyal is base is
god I hate Pelosi

this except I'm a registered libertarian

Doubtful. Trump was willing to talk about stopping China, so was Bernie.

Clinton? Not even

>larp as an italian terrone from nj who supports gibs
>i am actually mexican from la

>larp as a handegg loving redneck on /sp/
>also larp as a handegg hating divegrass loving chi on /sp/
>don't care about either sport

but hillary supported the tpp until it proved to be unpopular as trump was praised for opposing it

True, I should have specified, they're the "liberal Republicans" of the Sixth Party System, since the liberal (and moderate) Republicans from the Fifth would be considered "socialist" in the contemporary neoliberal consensus.

I do too.

>polls put Hillary at a 99% chance of winning
Huffpo polls maybe. All polls are gonna be kind of biased towards whatever people think the media wants to hear.

Trump promised the revitalization of American industry and manufacturing by cutting off Chinese trade. He promised universal healthcare. Stopping illegal immigration once and for all. Raising taxes on the rich and breaking up the banks.

He'll get the hardcore "vote Republican every time" dorks just like Clinton got the "vote blue no matter who" dorks. But the guys who were his biggest believers? I think they all moved on to Yang Gang or whatever the fuck,.

same except i am a registered offender

me too. I also brag about how much I love the imperial system even though who cares

>be moderate liberal but still race realist
>LARP as someone who hates whitoids and wishes for their extermination

>larp as cynical animal hater and abuser
>always let birds build nests on my balcony and will soon dig a wildlife pond

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Trump will win again in 2020. The DNC is pushing Biden hard but O'Rourke will receive the nomination because Democrats are retarded and will try to flip Texas despite Texas never budging and they will once again ignore their Midwestern voters.

He already said “libertarian”

>race """""realist"""""

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AFAIK Trumps approval rate among Republicans is something like 88%, so IDK, I think he probably still has a grip on a lot of his big supporters. I could be wrong though

>or whatever the fuck
It's literally Bernie. Why are people so afraid to acknowledge this? Reddit loved Ron Paul too, and that didn't seem to be a problem in 2012.

i larp about the imperial system too and how F is so much more logical than C. but likewise, i don't really give a shit. i also used to larp as an ameribear 2-3 years ago but that shit doesn't work anymore since the ameribear meme itself is dead.

true, but that's among self-identified republicans
most of the obama-trump voters that gave him his victory would identify as independent on polls

Yeah those are the vote Republican every time dorks. They would vote for a retarded dog if he had an R next to his name, just like a lot of Dems would vote for a retarded dog if he had a D next to his name (or worse, Biden),

He needs independents ska swing voter/"centrist" the kind of people who dominate swing states like Michigan, etc.

independent is not synonymous with centrist, bernie polled higher with independents than trump or clinton and he's by no means a centrist at least in this country

by that i just mean i look at statistics and genetic differences among races without bias. i don't take one race as superior to the other but i don't pretend they all have equal distributions of IQ or anatomy

Bernie is also popular among the Trumptard crowd as he was in 2016 but Yang is memeable.
Bless the Bernie Bros though for driving the Democrat true believers up a wall

It depends what you mean by centrist.

Bernie Bros, when they say 'centrist' they often mean mainstream Democrat.
When normal people say 'centrist' they mean they hate Democrats and Republicans both

yeah that makes sense.

can bernie do it bros?

probably, if the corporate democrats don't sabotage him though they certainly won't go down without a fight

worst part, i am afraid the more i meme about shit i don't really believe in, the closer i get to actually believing it. hopefully not. but you never know in this toxic echo chamber. when you pretend to hate someone or something a million times just to retaliate because you are triggered, you might actually start hating them for real. beware of larping, kids.

I have to limit how much time I spend on Jow Forums or I start going insane desu

I come from one of those Obama to Trump families in the Rust Belt, and I'm aware that Bernie (or at least his platform) appeals to a lot of those voters. It just seems like people meme Tulsi or Yang (and I actually like both of them FWIW) while either disparaging or ignoring Bernie.

>larp as a gnostic online
>read gnostic texts to improve my shitposting abilities

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I don't vote but LARP as whatever I think will get the most replies.

This is definitely a real thing, but politics itself is kind of one giant meme and you, as an individual, cannot stop it. So just enjoy the ride

I do, too. I spend a lot more time on /sp/ now that is the stanley up season. It is also a shitty board, basically Jow Forums lite but if you stay in your general you are fine.

I seem to remember that Jow Forums used to be better, but that's probably just nostalgia for 2014-15 / my mind playing tricks on me

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Bernie is already a huge top name. 2016 he was building up recognition, 2020 its his to lose to whatever DNC-friendly candidate they decide to prop up. He's not the meme candidate anymore. That's a good thing I'd say.

And yeah me too, I have a lot of cousins who went Trump but who also really liked Bernie and 2008-tier Obama. I'm in Michigan and think Bernie will win if he gets the nomination though obviously that's only based on my relatives and not on any rigorous polling or whatever. Free healthcare alone can get you far as long as he follows through (unlike Trump).

Jow Forums was way better in 2014-2015 (and before of course). I blame Gen Z.

i get it
i really fucking hate the media for this shit though, they purposefully misuse "centrist" and "independent" together because they're desperately trying to paint these swing voters as if they are moderate 1990's neoliberals who want free trade and less corporate regulation
bunch of lying faggots

>LARP as a commie, nazbol, natsoc, monarchist, ancap & every know ideology
>Actually not spooked at all

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Do you guys suffer from some type of mental illness? Genuinely curious.

My gf used to get mad at me for constantly larping like a retard on the internet, it seems like she used to think it could affect me/my political opinions. Now she does some light trolling amongst her group of irl friends which is pretty funny.

does she flail her arms at them while screaming "YOU'RE NOT WHITE"?

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>implying I’d let a qt gf hang with non-whites

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>implying euroguay is white

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>I mean, I'm not racist, but look at how 13% of the population make up a significant portion of crime...

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>shitpost about chinese dominance on Jow Forums
>loathe chinks IRL

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>LARP as a pureblooded CELTIC BULL
>actually just celto-g*rmanic

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unironically you'd have to be brain damaged to vote so slavishly for democrats

shut up conservatard

truly based and randpilled

>LARP as nihilist and centrist
>actually stoic and absolute monarchist

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>LARP as whoever is currently winning so you're always on the winning side but you still remember your ideology and what you're fighting for.

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>mfw i seethe incredibly hard everytime you post
I want to shake your fucking hand you glorious bastard. Keep up the good work

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I just like boosting a third party's numbers