>Why yes, I was raped as a child. How could you tell?
Why yes, I was raped as a child. How could you tell?
this is good, it grants you immunity from have sex posts
you're a homosexual
So that's how chads get made...
>No, it wasn’t so bad. At least he sucked me off.
>Yeah, i still have nightmares about it every night and have made numerous suicide attemps overdosing on heroin. What gave it away?
>yeah i had a gf and my brother who really helped me healing and finding value in myself and life again but just like everything else i touch they are now dead. and i know it's my fault they're gone.
>i have hallucinations of my mother telling me how i'm a bad and person and how someone as disgusting as me doesn't deserve to die. i know i must keep suffering
>oh yes absolutely, I keep selling my body just like she sold me when i was a kid. i also choose my regular clients so that they are as similar as possible as the ones who treated me the worst as a kid.
> i don't do drugs anymore because i know don't deserve to feel better for even one second.
>absolutely, whenever i think it's all too much and, let's say, take a knife to slit my wrists, i get horrible panic attacks and the hallucinations of my mom get a 1000 times worse so that the incredible stomachache doesn't allow me to do anything. all i do is cry in a dark corner of my room till i decide to put myself to sleep by banging my head on the wall. literally.
I literally know >5 people who were molested as kids and they all laugh it off and remember tantalising the nonce and making fun of him when they were about 11, they're all >25 now, married with kids and still laugh about that pedo who made them jerk off infront of him
I want to get raped
zitto ary porcamadonna ammazzati
fsi schifo
news like these make my day
what the shit
Is this true, Italianon?
if you were really raped as a child and you don't commit suicide after all, you truly deserve to be a chad.
>Yeah, I'm gay because a female abused me as a kid, however did you find out?
Out of the loop here. Who even is this?
I had the same reaction, like wtf lol
>out of the loop
Hold up...is this nigga pissing himself?
>Why yes, I can't control my bladder due to my childhood trauma, how did you know?
many things happen. some bad, others good.
others great and wholesome while others are just...
>tfw you always wished somebody would take advantage of you, but nobody ever did
I hate living in a small town, where there's virtually no crime
Small towns is where the nonces operate with impunity, you were probably just an ugly child
Not all of them are the same guy, but the one who started it all is this one, Ernest Khalimov AKA Gigachad
kek poor hungarybro
How dare you, I was an adorable kid, all lean, nice boyish figure, naturally girly mannerisms, sweet, gentle and innocent. Any pedophile would've been lucky to have me
What a waste.
>Well yes, I can't think of ever having sex with a woman because of my irrational fear of another person touching me
Why do westerners feels so insecure around gigachad and made up dirty topics?
It is envy or fear?
>When I was 10, I experienced rape. My babysitter never saw it coming