When will Canada join the union?

When will Canada join the union?

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i mean imagine the great lakes under 1 country.

the economic potential

Better yet, when will Am*ricans make up for their treason and join the commonwealth and accept Elizabeth II as their god-sent ruler?

monarchism is the opposite of liberty and freedom

I would reply with based but I feel that at this point in time the Queen is no more than just a face on a coin

What are you faggots gonna do when she dies and Canada becomes a republic because no one wants to be ruled a white male?

Liberty and freedom are gay
Not gonna happen, people in Canada support the monarchy

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Hopefully never

read Hoppe

Polk should have invaded silly Canada for the second time instead of us.
in 1846 USA had 20 million inhabitants.

What woukd you guys do if UK itself starts falling apart?
I mean, there's already talks about Scotland asking for another referendum, and the loyalists in North Ireland are also kindof losing ground slowly.
I mean if I were Canadian or Australian, I'd be all for the monarchy because it's a big part of the national heritage and history, plus the Empire was based as fuck. But with it all regressing down to just England and Wales, the Union Jack no longer being a thing and Elisabeth gone, I don't know if I'd be too crazy about it anymore.

Even if they get rid of the monarchy and the union, the royals can come to Canada and rule here.

After June 22, 2019.

Excellent post

Liberty is not for me,
I know my rightful place.
Upon my knees before our King,
who God enthroned with grace

A godless slave of liberty
deserves just what he gets
Their livestock and their unborn brats
will feel our bayonets.

So you'd take in the prince senile old fart, the cheating bald dude and his ginger brother along with their commoner&mutt wives that don't speak to each other and have them rule over your cunt?
I mean you have to admit that the entire current royal family except for the queen is a fucking joke. All they're missing is their own show on TLC

Never. Canadian are all Chinks now. Annexing them would be a mistake.

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Congrats, retard. Now you see why annexing Canada is a huge mistake. They are our polar opposites.

>le poor uyghurs
I'm really getting tired of this meme
Those steppe savages need to be taught how to live in a civilized society and China is being very nice for taking this burden upon its shoulders. It's like going to a dentist, it hurts but it's for your own good

>prince senile old fart
Not senile
>the cheating bald dude
William? He hasn’t cheated
>his ginger brother along with their commoner&mutt wives
Harry and Meghan can stay or live as celebrities in America, no one cares a ky them

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The Mexican Cession had like 20,000 people on it due to the Comanches, so that's even less than Canada in 1812

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Just invade and exterminate the leaves. I got a m1 carbine from my grandpa I would gladly join up with my american brothers and massacre these annoying fucks.

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Couldnt hit a donkeys arse with a banjo slanty eyed fuckhead

i could kill you with my bare heads you scrawny brit cuck

Americans really are fucking stupid

Highly unlikely

holy shit canada seems to be having major fifth column issues
they bout to get trojan horsed

I quite like Prince Charles and he has long been an environment advocate, something important to most Canadians.
You need to stop reading tabloids about the Cambridges
Prince Harry is a good lad, I like his dedication to wounded vets. He and Markle met in Canada where she was living, her best friend is the daughter-in-law of a former Canadian PM

i got a cache of rdx explosive waiting to set it off at the parliament and governor-generals residence once CIA gives the go ahead.

No, we should partition the US and Canada and combine some regions. Like New England and the Maritimes should be one country, as should Cascadia. Now the statists and the libertarians can live in peace.

Fuck off Russian.

There have been Québécois in Canada for over 400 years, there have been pro-American republicunts in Canada since before the American revolution. We even had a couple of rebellions by American supported republicucks, it's nothing new here.

I'm not a Russian, I'm from New Hampshire and I am SICK of Californians moving here because they priced themselves out of Vermont but are scared of Maine and then trying to force us to go from a libertarian state to another California.

I didn't even mention those Turks.
Chinknadians are slaves, worse than the dirt we all walk on.


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All Anglo countries are Chinese colonies now. Good thing the US is mostly Germanic.

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>New England and the Maritimes

We'll gladly take New Hampshire and Vermont, if we're being honest Maine is already Canada, we can negotiate for parts of Massachusetts but Connecticut and Rhode Island are completely out of the question, we won't have them. They can go with New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware.

americans are really stupid

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>mostly Germanic
Cope of the century

But user, with CT and all of MA you would have pretty much all the Ivy Leagues + MIT. Mid-Atlantic would have some but we'd have all the really good ones. Plus, CT has New Haven pizza and the original hamburger and lobster roll, a cultural victory we cannot cede to New York.
Imagine how /lit/ and /sci/ we'd be.

Soon the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) will celebrate their 50th anniversary. It's part of the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS). It's a Canadian funded program with 7,000 academics in 39 countries that research Canadian culture, history, etc. and teach it to their students around the world.
We've been doing this for decades, as have many other countries, China is just getting started at it.


>Economic Freedom of the World Index rank
Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada: 9th
USA: 18th

>Index of Economic Freedom rank
Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada: 6th
USA: 10th

>Human Freedom Index
Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada: 6th
USA: 20th

>Democracy Index
Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada: 6th
USA: 25th

>Press Freedom Index
Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada: 18th
USA: 45th

>Freedom of the Press Index
Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada: 20th
USA: 37th

>World Index of Moral Freedom
Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada: 3rd
USA: 10th

>Freedom in the World Index
Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada: 99 out of a possible 100
USA 86 out of a possible 100

>Polity Data Series
Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada: perfect 20, full democracy
USA: 16, tier 2 democracy

It doesn't look like your republic is more free than my Monarchy.

I don't give a shit, Calishittians are preferable to R*ssian geopolitics despite how shit they are


are they? You have like 1/10th our population but half the Chinese volume. You math that out.