We wuz Jomon
We wuz Jomon
Other urls found in this thread:
We wuz Thundercats
Africans aren't humans in the first place, what a silly picture
We wuz the Oscars
We wuz cars
We wuz Yoga
We wuz everything
an original article
In 2005, a Chinese DNA specialist, Jin Li, leading a team of Chinese and other scientists from the University of Texas in
Houston, proved through DNA tests that the first inhabitants of China were indeed Black Africans, who migrated across
Asia in a southeasterly direction before heading north into what is now China.
This challenges the long-standing view of Chinese paleontologists, based on fossil evidence, that an East Asian branch
of Homo erectus independently evolved into Homo sapiens.
“It is now probably safe to conclude that modern humans originating in Africa constitute the majority of the current
gene pool in East Asia,” said Jin.
All of these are not true, by the way.
>Chinese “specialist”
The automobile was invented by a German named Carl Benz in 1886.
This is the only semi-reasonable image, I feel bad Christians destroyed most Moorish culture, since they did seem to be quite advanced, though- saying they introduced the concept of bathing and fashion is such an astonishingly idiotic assertion for anyone to make about any culture.
The truth is, I thought these were all satire until this one, these:
are so ridiculous
Keep making fun of nogs, you're still a gook to whites : )
Why don't you just say NIGGERS outright you fruity ass faggot
you stupid, moors weren't blacks but berbers
moors destroyed their own culture with arabization
cause hes a nigger
I don’t think Chink applies to Taiwanese people given that it is used for the Chinese, big difference.
seems pretty legit to me
taiwanese people are the actual chinese though
>Walks out of waterless desert
>*smacks lips*
>*lips start bleeding cause dry*
>white boy
>*drinks swamp water*
>sit in that river and shieet
People who lived in places with cold winters didn't know how to dress according to the seasons before a bunch of desert tribes came and taught them how?
t. chink
all chinks are zipperheads and all zipperheads are gooks, nobody gives a shit except assblasted chinks like you