
What is knowledge?

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Faith in reason.

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knowledge can be proven but faith can't
that is the difference between the faith and knowledge

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Knowledge and awareness are vague, and perhaps better called illusions

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It's uuuh when you know stuff and uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh

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knowledge can only be proven through reason
knowledge is the end product of reason when it reaches a point of fidelity on the subject that is tautologically having faith that you have reasonable knowledge on the subject

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Is that you again brasilian solipsist
Prove your judgment

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Knowing something.
Any more than that and it just keeps complicating further until it becomes too vague to define.

knowing things

Well, I agree that knowledge is based on the faith in reason, but " faith in reason" does not define "knowledge"

I'm going to the bookshop to find answers

Your definition refers to itself

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Why do Latinos love Naruto so much?

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Out of image: her feet pressed against my face

Ok but her ass and peepee are on my face


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I'm a nerd engineer. I put very little value to philosophical thinking behind simple things.

I would argue that it may satisfactorily explain knowledge for someone, who wants to explore what knowledge is, but since it's derived from the human reasoning process, what I said sufficiently defines it. Given that someone knows what reason and faith are. If we understand reason as the process of acquiring knowledge, defining knowledge is a trivial matter.

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may not obv.

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why do i need to prove it? who cares about this kind of shit
there are better things to do than being a philosophy faggot

because naruto is based

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we love naruto as well

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all i see is dragonball edits from spanish speaking latinos

you got this quote from a hentai with scat and you acting all high LOL look at this here this is your true nature philosophy faggots

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Maybe you can define knowledge system as whole as "faith in reason".
But what if we are talking about a single knowledge? I cannot fully agree. In your judgment "faith in reason" is sine qua non, necessary condition of knowledge, but not its definition

Your judgment means nothing if you don't prove it

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>t. narutofag

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Maybe knowledge is a proved and reasoned judgment. Yeah I prefer this definition

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that's not a real difference
any proof involves some amount of faith

why do people always try to over-complicated everything ? read the dictionary's definition and you'll have the answer

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You're mistaking subjective perception for faith

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its not only about perceptions, on some level you can't prove practically anything so you have to take it all with at least a little bit of faith