/balk/ CS:GO server edition
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/balk/ CS:GO server edition
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i'm preparing another history thing
you subhumans better be reading them
I will...
Rush B(erlin)
so greeks support Anglos over Soviets, but Soviets over Nazies?
The eu caused the 2008 global financial crisis
Brits are fags
I am the fake Effendi, tfw no tranlo gf tranlo tranlo tranlo tranlo she he she he she he, I'll die killing Kurds while I teach the kids the Qu'Ran mashallah, Oбичaм Бългapия и тpи мopeтa, Hogy van a barátaim Magyarul beszélek, igen
I saw my cat in my dream. She looked very malnourished and immediately bolted to her food bowl.
Is this some kind of sign?
> Put simply, Europe's and the US's large banks exploited the weak international agreement on bank capital requirements in the so-called Basel agreement in 2004 to reclassify the risk of their loans and trading instruments. They did not just reduce the risk by 5 or 10%. Breathtakingly, they claimed their new risk management techniques were so wonderful that the riskiness of their assets was up to half of what it had been – despite property and share prices cresting to new all-time highs.
What's the cs:go server?
I'm sick of the media talking about the old catholic child rapist.
Hope he get's umbrellaed in Bulgaria.
idk but we could host one
tired of russians and their incessant swearing
>playing video games in 2k19
Fucking plebs
Is it true today we have elections
only if you post ass or legs with socks on feet
educate yourselves
Thot time
Rasha can you explain this to me:
Is the original tranny who used to gaypost (MakeBrowsLovingWeeb) the same as this gay posting other guy from Burgas?
and the one from yesterday
post dick
who is projected to win?
i can tell you myself that i'm not the same guy
The shqip candidate told his voters to not vote for him but for Zaev's candidate so they will get some boost in votes. In the first round VMRO and SDSM were equal on votes.
But the main thing is if 40% will be achieved since people are tired of bs politics and don'g to go vote
This is how I imagine tranlo tbqh.
go back to writing essays no one would take seriously you beta nerd
>The shqip candidate told his voters to not vote for him but for Zaev's candidate
For real?
Shows how much Zaev literally owns Shqips
He said to shqips to vote for Stevo if they want to keep the country on the path to EU and NATO
believe what you want OBSESSED
Brainlet virgin gaymer
if vmro wins will they backtrack on the prespes deal?
i've already graduated years ago you braindead irrelevant zoomer cuck
Shut the fuck up. Let me flex on your nigger ass. Dumb sl*ve
nothing will happen to the deal
VMRO candidate said that she doesn't like the deal but if she gets in power she will "respect" it lmao
you will not graduate with that attitude
you will be one of those faggots everyone laughs at for dropping out
bill gates dropped out. he's gonna own half of romania, just you wait.
imagine being such an irrelevant shithole that a false intermediary of a dead religion visiting your shithole is some kind of event
>she will "respect" it lmao
Das rite my nibba, disrespecting NATO = disrespecting ameriKKKa = bomb u till u ded
The Pope visiting would be an event in Poland too, which is a bastion of 1st worldness and relevance
Why is the Pope visiting anyway?
Yes, but at least Poland is Catholic. Also, no first world country is as Christcucked as Poland is. They're third-worlders uplifted by EU gibs.
>The pope will have to hold a speech in rain in Skopje
Seems like God doesn't love him
>christcuck christcuck christcuck
The comment above is a good copypasta template
>people care about politics and voting here
just get a bulgarian passport and move to western europe idiots
you'll make more than a doctor makes here even as a cleaner, factory worker or in mcdonalds ROFL
so what's up balk?
the eu caused the 2008 financial crisis
Βασιkά, στα αρχίδιά μας.
do greeks also drink mummy juice leg holy water
>europeans are atheist communists i swear you guys
>a-also culture doesn't exist, western civilization just magically appeared b-because of um... p-probably muslim influence, yeah, did you know the Persians had a golden age??
is there even any point in bullying this guy
more like i just feel bad for him and his muslimano-communist meme beliefs
who are we voting for in the coming euro elections, i hear they're this month
Nah we prefer St. Ulyanov water
Dum fucking faggot
>Just move to western europe to make 1500e minimum wage after tax in germony
>Apartments are 1000e a month rent or 250k to buy
you vote ATAKA
so why don't you get one
>tfw no sanctified soup for lunch
I will vote for Golden Dawn or Tzimeros
most probably Golden Dawn because they are higher in numbers
>Most Ger*mons don't even own houses
>They rent their entire lives
Imagine being 70 and paying rent to Shekelstein
>I will vote for Golden Dawn or Tzimeros
>most probably Golden Dawn because they are higher in numbers
based black bvll taking over nationalist socialist ideology
me on the left
weird because thats me
Now look up church attendence rates and prevalence of atheism among youth. Most of those people are only Christians on paper and don't even practice. Alternatively just go to your local uni and try to find a Christcuck.
>western civilization just magically appeared b-because of um... p-probably muslim influence, yeah, did you know the Persians had a golden age??
While the Christian influence is undeniable, it was ancient Greece and ancient Rome who have laid the foundation of the Western civilization before Christianity was even a thing. Christianity itself is essentially Hellenistic monotheism. It's rooted in Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy. The proto-Trinity comes straight from Plotinus.
>Greek nazis
>Apartments are 1000e a month rent
i can find an apartment for that price in zurich in the outer areas within city limits
of course if you rent in the center of the city it will be double or more than that
not to mention you can still work a shit job with a shit wage and still cover all your expenses
now tell me what can a factory worker cover with his 200€ salary in fyronmia rofl
we triggered kelly!
one more reason to vote for golden dawn!
Kelly is a golden retard too, based kikelord
>church attendence rates
hahaha >let me tell your how to practice
that's like saying that the future generation will be fortnight dancing, pokemon catching, spinny shit spinning zoomers
CLEARLY any leftishit indoctrination on them now they are gonna grow out of
hahahha, you're telling the Greeks where their religion AKTSUALLY comes from ?? you really are retarded
fuck christcucks
why can't someone just really shoot that fucking retard
βecause it's illegal.
i know it's a hate crime to kill the disabled
but fuck, he deserves to rest in peace
then vote for a nat soc party
killing retards will become legal
i am you, but taller.
are you albanian illyrian then?
but then nat soc would have to kill themselves first
yes but with a scordiscan ancestry.
bulgaroids posting here are dumb as fuck rofl you are eu citizens just move to norway you can clean toilets and make more money than a bulgarian neurosurgeon like why even try i dont understand or go work in construction instead of wasting your life in b*lgaria
or pretend to be TÜRK and open a kebab shop, you can make 10,000€ per month without lifting a finger
and that's how you summon Hitler back.
didn't you read about the Thule society and their witchcraft?
that's if you sell one 4 lev kebab every 30 seconds for 12 hours straight 30 days of the month, EXCLUDING taxes and employee salaries
dumb fyromite
Anyone went to see the Pope? Whole city centre is blocked ffs
omg this is EPIC
yes i traveled a quadrillion kilometers to see the king of brainlets in brick village
how did you guess
not in bulgaria you dumb c*gan
like you'd know since you live in bulgaria 24/7 365 days right
>hahaha >let me tell your how to practice
Yes, attending church is what practicing Christians do.
>hahahha, you're telling the Greeks where their religion AKTSUALLY comes from
Obviously not the superstition itself, but the morality and their main concepts (which is precisely what matters in the concept of its influence on the West) have their foundation in Greek philosophy.
The notion of Divine Simplicity, for example, is pagan in origin, dating to Pythagoras and the Neoplatonic mysticism of Plotinus. It is the attempt to preserve an almost-Islamic commitment to the absolute oneness and transcendence of God, while also trying to preserve the Trinity, that has lead to the disintegration of Western Christianity.
And I'm not only talking about "early" Christianity here, Augustine for example made a fatal error, because he assumed on blind faith that Plotinus and Neoplatonism were correct (as most people did in his day). It was a great way of converting Pagans though, as Augustine himself was formerly a a Neoplatonist.
In Plotinus, like I said, there was even a concept of the Trinity with the Nicean formula of one substance and three hypostasis explicitly stated. Some of the Early Church Fathers were Neoplatonists to a large extent, but with some differences, the most important of which are the status of matter and the world. From Neoplatonism Christianity took the method of interpreting myths as metaphysical allegories (muh symbolism).
Christian morals as well are solidly Aristotelian in character (I.e. focused on the "final cause", or rather, striving to make yourself like a presupposed "purpose"). Secular ethics, on the other hand, are explicitly inverted from this principle -- they're based on the idea of developing yourself in line with where you come from (I.e. Aristotle's essential cause).
I am watching it on TV, they let him pray in Nevski.
I didn't guess but asked a question you edgy retard
>or pretend to be TÜRK
doubt that they have to pretend
>in the concept of its
In the context of*
I need to start proof reading my posts.
Think about the famous existential statement "existence precedes essence" -- that's the sum of secular ethics; that we strive from our origin towards what our origin demands.
Normally, when Christians say "you can't have ethics without religion," it's because their ethical paradigm is Aristotelian, and thus it is harder for them to understand how one can determine final cause definitively without God.
I could go on, but I know that you'll just screech and I'm just wasting my time. But hopefully some of this will go through your thick fucking skull. Who knows, maybe you'll thank me for all of these history/econ/theology/philosophy lessons someday :^)
>indoctrinated and fearmongered retards will reject anything that doesn't indoctrinate and fearmonger them like their speshul snowflek ideology
made me think
I've never seen this many people voting guys. The room was FULL. Had to push through a horde of normies, cops checked me, then like 10 cameras filming inside.
The worst thing is, everyone is tense like a fight is about to break out.
Something like 20 cops outside. I've voted 4-5 times already and none was this filled.
toq papa shte spre li da ligavi kura na bejancite ve deba